Thursday, 17 October 2019

Thralls of Shadow: The Callac for Blood & Treasure


The Callac are an oft-maligned race, regarded with fear and suspicion by most other peoples. This is unfair in the extreme, as the Callac are not naturally evil, but it has been their great misfortune to be subjugated by more powerful races that are most definitely so. Thus the Callac’s natural talents for stealth and magic have been abused and set to work on sinister purposes. Most Callac remain under the thumb of evil powers, but in some regions they have been able to maintain a precarious independence, and it is these Callac who can be found making their tenuous way as adventurers. Given a choice, a Callac will pursue a Neutral alignment.

Callac are, on average, 36”’ tall and have a movement rate of 20’. Their appearance is unprepossessing, to say the least: they are wiry, with pallid skin, lank and greasy hair of a dank green hue. Their eyes are black and without pupils. Callac live for up to 300 years and commence play with their own language, Calzorak and one of the following tongues: Urugraz, Dal-qari, Ulekki or the local human lingua franca (usually Yrenaic or Kanastasi). They possess darkvision up to 60’.

Callac are tough and swift, adding +1 to Constitution and Dexterity, but are physically weak and timid, losing 2 Strength and 1 Charisma. They have the following minimum/maximum ability scores: STR 3/16, INT 3/18, WIS 3/18, DEX 8/18, CON 8/19, and CHA 3/17. They roll 1d6 + 2 for their Heritage score.

Callac are possessed of considerable talent for certain kinds of magic. Callac Magic-Users learn advanced conjuration, divination and necromancy spells as if their Intelligence score is 1 point higher, and when any Callac casts spells from any of those schools offensively, their target must subtract 1 from their Saving Throw. Callac also gain an automatic +1 to Lore, Move Silently and Hide in Shadows task checks.

Callac have the following classes available to them: Acrobat, Alchemist, Anticleric, Assassin, Bard*, Chthonic Druid, Demoniac, Demonologist, Diablo, Magic-User (Abjurer, Conjurer, Diviner, Enchanter, Evoker, Illusionist, Necromancer, Transmuter), Pariah, Priest (Death, Scholar, Travel, Trickster, Weird), Prophet, Saboteur, Scout, Sentinel, Shadowdancer, Shaman, Sorceror, Thief, Tomb Raider, Warlock, and Wizard Hunter.

They may also pursue the following multi-classing options: Alchemist-Demonologist, Alchemist-Thief, Anticleric-Assassin, Anticleric-Thief, Assassin-Enchanter, Assassin-Necromancer, Assassin-Priest (Death or Weird), Assassin-Wizard Hunter, Enchanter-Thief, Acrobat-Sorceror, Sorceror-Scout, Sentinel-Wizard Hunter, Sorceror-Thief, Sorceror-Assassin, Thief-Demonologist and Thief-Diviner. 

*Callac Bards are known as Whisperers, and replace the Bard ability to Carouse with the ability to learn Advanced Necromancy spells (in addition to the normal Basic Magic-User spells) and the Shadowdancer bonus to Hide in Shadows (when within 10’ of shadows). They also lose one spell of each level per day, and must be Chaotic or Neutral in alignment. 

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