Thursday, 23 November 2017

The Protectors of Chelmsey

Chelmsey’s history has left it with a fascinating legacy, and a certain uniqueness: there can be few villages of similar size or similarly isolated that can be home to such a concentration of potent individuals. All the participating organisations in the struggle to cap the Chaos Well retain an interest in Chelmsey. They have several reasons for this: they worry that their success is temporary, and that the chaotic energies will eventually overwhelm the sorcerous wards that imprison it. Their larger concern, however, is that powers inimical will seek to somehow exploit the Well. So it is that each of the major participants maintain ‘observers’ in Chelmsey. Most of these folk are part of village life – the local Priest of Vlynn, for example – but some are not so open about their true role and capabilities. There are also some who visit the village frequently but irregularly and keep their role secret...for their own dark purposes.

There is only one temple – that of Vlynn – found in the village, although there are worshippers of other faiths there. The local priest of Vlynn, Gedner Hallop, is privy to all matters regarding the Chaos Well, and is charged by his church with the business of checking the Well – daily – and keeping a strict record of all activity in the village, by both locals and visitors. He is much more capable than would ordinarily be expected in such a small, out-of-the-way setting, but keeps most of his powers hidden.

Hallop is not the leader of those responsible for preserving Chelmsey, however. The Church of Jureus bore the brunt of the losses involved in the capping of the Well, and it is their representative, Vatash Kerrinson who has the honour of that burden. Seemingly no more than a weaver, he is in fact a talented spy and devout initiate of his faith. Only his fellow observers know his true role. To the villagers, he is simply a local craftsman – new to the village (if ten years residence constitutes ‘new’) – and somewhat more private than his fellows.

There are two other residents charged with watching over the village: one is Harotanu, an element-touched shepherd and hunter who patrols the village hinterland, and the other is the Shrine-keeper Yalden Ralm. A true polytheist, he tends the three local shrines to faiths other than that of Vlynn.

Unbeknownst to all of the observers – although Vatash Kerrinson has many suspicions – there is another observer of good will in Chelmsey. This is the ‘retired’ mage, Ortyn of Heth. Ortyn poses as a scholar-politician seeking a quiet life after the travails of life in the capital. This is superficially true, but he chose retirement in Chelmsey at the behest of his wizardly order, the Order of the Owl, where he too could maintain a watch on the Chaos Well.

The final ‘observers’ are two intermittent visitors: the itinerant minstrel Crado and the pedlar Visp Gardel. Both these wanderers are in the employ of darker forces: Crado is an agent of the exiled usurper Mandrekorian (who hopes to somehow use the Well in a scheme to regain his lost throne), whilst Visp is an initiate of the dark god Modrus. Both have thus far avoided discovery, but Harotanu loathes and fears the charming Crado, whilst Yalden Ralm has severe doubts about the sneering Visp.

I'll be looking into presenting these folk - and other local notables from Chelmsey - as stat blocks for RMFRP/2nd ed. RM/Pathfinder and whatever else I feel like (if I feel like it), over the next few weeks.

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