Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Portrait of a Guardian: Gedner Hallop

 Every so often, it comes - the feeling that here is not the right place, that moldering in this backwater is no fate fit for such a talented son of the Church, that such skill and power is better deployed somewhere else,where the need is more urgent, more real...not some imagined residue of ill, but real problems. But of course, the ill is not imagined but fabricated, probably by enemies within the Church hierarchy, those jealous of such ability, who have used this stupid notion to effectively sideline a potential rival...

Gedner Hallop shakes his head, cursing gently under his breath: they come more often lately, these errant thoughts, self-serving meanderings. His duty here is truly important - the odd thoughts and impulses he has been fighting lately are proof enough, for he knows whence they come: the Chaos Well. He knows that the Well - or the force that powers it - is in some sense alive, active and straining to break free of its bindings. No longer content with the slow leakage of the last century, the Chaos walled away at the bottom of the Well is pushing, stretching the bonds that hold it. Dark thoughts rise like bubbles to the surface of the Well and then drift, miasma-like towards the village, seeking to take hold of minds willing and unwilling. In the case of the guardians and observers, it would be useful to convince one or more - or all - of them to find something better to do with their mortal lives, so frail and short in the face of Chaos Eternal... 

Gedner Hallop is the local Priest of Vlynn, God of Good Fortune and Lost Things Found. A hale and cheerful fellow in his early fifties, he is outwardly no more than an ordinary priest of his faith, in a quiet village with just enough of a congregation to justify the expenditure of building and maintaining a Temple. However, he is in truth an experienced and gifted priest - his powers mostly kept secret from the villagers and the few visitors who bother with Chelmsey. Mostly, aside from his regular priestly duties, Gedner provides a willing ear and wise counsel to those who need it or spends time using his considerable skills as a carpenter to repair anything that needs fixed or to help build a new barn (or other such things). 

Gedner came to Chelmsey at the behest of his superior, the Bishop of Brejlgard - as one of the more experienced and capable priests in Rakhanay, seasoned by long service dealing with the Demon-cultists that continually attempt to subvert the provinces of the north-west and a stint as a mediator in the conflicts between Khoul and Reymedo, to serve for six years, watching over village and Chaos Well. This Gedner has done willingly - he is not particularly ambitious, and, like many priests of Vlynn, detests intrigue. Although he is often bored with his bucolic living, he enjoys the opportunity to serve the villagers - most of whom are decent folk - and the Kingdom. Keeping an eye on the Well appeals to his veiled sense of romanticism.

Gedner Hallop
Human Cleric 7
Neutral Good
STR 10 INT 16 WIS 17
DEX 8 CON 13 CHA 16
AC 14 HP 31
Saving Throw: 13
+1 dismissive Footman's Hammer ATK+4 DMG 1d6; Bolas ATK +4 DMG 1d4 (+entangle)
Height 5'9" MV 30'
Feats: Extend Spell, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Lore)
Skills: Conversion +9
        Healing         +9
        Lore         +5
Languages: Common, Celestial, Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Infernal, Sylvan
Turn Undead
Spells Prepared: (1st level) bless, cure light wounds (2), detect evil, divine favor, mending; (2nd level) augury, cure moderate wounds, gentle repose, shield other; (3rd level ) cure disease, locate object*; (4th level) change fate   
Background/Secondary Skill:
Leather Armor +1
Shield +2
Footman's Mace +1, dismissive
ring of free action
wand of canny effort (4 charges)
potions (darkvision, gaseous form, healing [2], stoneskin)
scroll of protection from outsiders
candle of invocation
seer's diadem
temple bell

Here is Gedner Hallop for Fantastic Heroes & Witchery

Gedner Hallop
Friar 5
STR 10 DEX 8 CON 13 INT 16 WIS 17 CHA 16
AC 15
HP 4w/19v
BtH: +3 melee/+2 ranged
Movement: 12”/30 ft.
Attacks: +1 Dismissive Hammer; Bolas
Damage: 1d6/1d4
Skills: Persuasion +4, Healing +4
Special Abilities: +2 CHA & WIS saves, Prayers (d12), Community Ear (+5), Churchman (+5)
Social Class: Middle-class/Decent
Background: Ecclesiastic
Personality: Altruistic
Allegiance: Vlynn
Equipment: see above

& here he is for my heavily house-ruled Advanced Labyrinth Lord campaign:

Gedner Hallop
NG Priest (Cleric) 7
STR 10 DEX 9 CON 14 INT 15 WIS 18 CHA 15 PER^ 18 LUCK^ 13
AC 4
HP 30
SAVING THROWS B 14 PD 9 PP 12 W 10 S 12 
Attack Matrix ^C
Movement: 120'(40')
Attacks: +1 Dismissive Hammer; Bolas
Damage: 1d6+1/1d4
Combat Maneuvers ^: Block +3, Defend Other +4
Skills ^: Arcana, Concentration, Religion 13; Detection, Endurance, Etiquette, Lore, Manipulation, Movement 15; Others 18
Special Abilities: Turn Undead
Lineage/Culture^: Villager (Human)
Backgrounds: Carpenter, Novice, Envoy
Social Status^: 10
Spells Prepared: 1st level:  create water, cure light wounds (2), detect magic, purify food and drink, remove fear; 2nd level: bless, know alignment, hold person, reveal charm, spiritual weapon; 3rd level: cure disease, dispel magic, locate object*; 4th level: cure serious wounds, divination.
Eldritch Resonance ^: bless, ceremony, combine, detect lie, holy chant, know alignment. 
Equipment: see above
* as a Cleric of Vlynn, Gedner Hallop can cast this spell with double the normal range and duration.
^ "Eldritch Resonance", "Backgrounds", "Combat Maneuvers", "Attack Matrix", "Skills", "Perception", "Luck", "Lineage/Culture", "Social Status" are all importations or elaborations of rules taken from elsewhere. 

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