– not the miserable serf or bondsman, but the small-scale landowner or tenant
farmer – are the backbone of most human societies. Although they are hardly
remarkable combatants, they do possess some useful talents, have a knack for
the outdoors and a fund of stubbornness and common sense that helps them to
navigate difficult or perplexing situations.
Attack Matrix: 0-level Fighter
Saving Throws: Levels 1-4 (20 all, except Death 19);
Levels 5-6 (19 all, except Death 18)
Hit Dice: d6
Armour/Shield Permitted: padded, no shield
Weapons Permitted: club, dagger, dart, pick, scythe, short bow, sling, spear, and staff.
Weapon Proficiencies: 2 +1 every 5 levels
Non-Proficiency Penalty: -4
Base Skills: Animal Husbandry 2, Common Knowledge
1, Folk Lore 2, Horticulture 2, Local Knowledge 2, Weather Sense 1.
Free Elective Skills (choose
2 skills, between which you may allocate 4 levels, but note the figure in bold that limits the amount that may be
allocated to certain skills): Animal Training, Carpentry, Climb, Cook, Craft, Dowsing 2, Follow Trail 2, Fish, Gossip, Heal 1,
Herb Lore, Midwifery, Ride, Row, Set Trap 1,
Silent Move Rural 1, Spinning &
Weaving, Swim, and Woodcutting.
Farmer Level Advancement
Base Experience
Hit Dice
Points Required
of the Earth
to Fool
Homesteader: Farmers are notably prickly in
defence of their own lands, gaining a +1 to all Saving Throws, rolls to hit,
surprise and skill rolls whilst within a 1 mile per level radius of their own
farm. They also produce 2% per level (plus
their Wisdom score) extra value of crops or animal products on their own lands.
Local Yokel: The Farmer is a well-known figure in
their local area (no larger than 6 square miles), gaining a bonus (or penalty)
to all Reaction rolls with others who dwell in or are regular visitors to the
Farmer’s locality. The Farmer’s alignment determines the modifier, as their
past behaviour has a strong effect on how well they are perceived. Lawful Good Farmers receive a +3 bonus,
whilst Neutral Good and Lawful Neutral Farmers receive a +2
bonus. Chaotic Good and Lawful Evil Farmers receive a +1 bonus. Neutral Farmers have no modifier to
reaction rolls. Chaotic Neutral Farmers
receive a -1 penalty; Neutral Evil
Farmers receive a -2 penalty whilst Chaotic
Evil Farmers receive a -3 penalty.
Salt of the Earth: Hard-nosed survivors and blunt
dealers in pithy aphorisms, Farmers gain a +2 bonus to Encourage and Endurance,
although they also take a -1 penalty to Diplomacy and Etiquette.
Hard to Fool: The combination of suspicion towards
outsiders and a pragmatic fund of common sense grants the Farmer a +1 bonus to
Sense Motive skill rolls and Saving Throws vs. Spells and Aimed Magic Items
that are enchantment- or illusion-based.
Steadfast: Farmers become increasingly
resilient, both mentally and physically. At 5th level the Farmer may
choose one of six defensive enhancements, dependent upon their highest ability
score, as follows:
– gain a +2 to Armour Class versus the Barge skill.
– gain a +1 bonus to Saving Throws vs. Aimed Magic Items and Dragon Breath
– gain a +1 bonus to Saving Throws vs. Death
– the required Competency level to succeed on Blather, Bluff and Persuade skill
rolls against the Farmer is increased by 2.
– reroll a failed Saving Throw vs. Enchantment Spells and take the better
– the dour mien and imperturbable presence of the Farmer disturbs those who
would strike at them, granting a +1 bonus to Armour Class until they are successfully struck by that foe. This ability only
works against sentient foes that have two or less hit dice.
Green Thumb/Beast-Friend: At 6th level, Farmers have
reached the apex of agronomy, achieving a level of skill that touches on the
mystical or transcendent. The Farmer chooses either the Green Thumb or Beast-Friend ability, as described below:
Thumb: The Farmer gains two free Competency Level in Horticulture and Speak
with Plants, and gains one of the following randomly selected Druid spells (roll 1d4): Detect Pits & Snares, Entangle, Pass Without Trace or Predict Weather. The Farmer may cast
this spell once per day, with the following proviso: the casting time is
increased in size by one step (thus a spell with a casting time of 3 segments
now has a casting time of 3 rounds).
The Farmer gains two free Competency Level in Animal Husbandry and Speak with Animals,
and gains one of the following randomly
selected Druid spells (roll 1d4): Animal
Friendship, Invisibility to Animals, Locate Animals or Predict Weather. The Farmer may cast this spell once per day, with
the following proviso: the casting time is increased in size by one step (thus
a spell with a casting time of 3 segments now has a casting time of 3 rounds).
The humble Torchbearer – often hired by
self-absorbed murderhobos with no respect for the vital role he or she plays –
is an ideal fit for an ‘adventuring’ Petty-class. Assuming they live long
enough, they become rather proficient at surviving subterranean excursions,
developing a nose for danger and a raft of useful skills.
Table: Illusionist
Dice: d6
Saving Throw: Level 1-3
(all 20, except Breath Attack, Aimed Magic Items 19); Level 4-6 (all 19, except
Poison 18, Breath Attack, Aimed Magic Items 17)
Armour/Shield Permitted: padded,
leather, small shield only
Weapons Permitted: club,
dagger, dart, hand axe, short sword, spear, sling
Weapon Proficiencies: 2 +
1 per 4 levels
Non-Proficiency Penalty: -3
Skills: Climb 1, Common Knowledge 1, Flee! 1, Folk
Lore 1, Hide 1, Local Knowledge 1, Story Telling 1.
Elective Skills (choose 3 skills amongst which you
may distribute 4 Competency Levels): Blather,
Evade, Endurance, Gossip, Haggle, Heal, Keen Senses, Mining, Silent Move Rural,
Silent Move Urban, Stoneworking, and Swim.
Torchbearer Level Advancement
Base Experience
Hit Dice
Points Required
Stubborn Refusal, Packhorse
Minor Dungeoneer
Gleaned Knowledge, Adroit Bearer
Practiced Dungeoneer, Good Grip
Gleaned Skills
Experienced Dungeoneer
Stubborn Refusal: Those who hire a Torchbearer – and
others – will always work to involve them in tasks that they didn’t sign up
for. Whenever someone attempts to Command, Intimidate or Persuade a Torchbearer
to enter into combat, taste something dangerous, look for traps (and similar
tasks), the required level of Competency is increased by half the Torchbearer’s level (minimum 1, round up). Torchbearers
also gain a +1 bonus to save vs. enchantment spells.
Packhorse: Torchbearers are practiced at lugging others’
gear. Treat the Torchbearer’s Strength ability as if it is 1 higher for the
purpose of calculating their Encumbrance adjustment.
Minor Dungeoneer: After a few trips down the
dungeon, Torchbearers begin to develop an awareness suited to such subterranean
missions. They gain a +2 to all Keen Senses skill rolls, but only while in a
dungeon (+1 in cellars and sewers).
Gleaned Knowledge: The Torchbearer, having seen a
thing or two, now has a % chance equivalent to their INT score + their
Torchbearer level of identifying monsters and humanoids encountered in a
dungeon. However, these creatures must have less Hit Dice than the
Adroit Bearer: Torchbearers now become adept at
using their torch as either a shield (treat as a small shield) or a weapon (1d3
damage + 1 point of Fire damage). In addition, if the Torchbearer should drop
their torch, they can pick it up in half the time usually required and there is
only a 1 in 20 chance of the torch being extinguished (unless it drops into
some unhelpful medium). In addition, the Torchbearer can use tinder and flint
to light a torch, lantern or fire in all but the least congenial conditions.
Practiced Dungeoneer: At 4th level, the
Torchbearer gains +2 to all Engineering, Mining and Stoneworking rolls to
determine the existence of slopes, grades, stone traps, new construction, false
doors/walls and determining depth and direction underground.
Good Grip: A true Torchbearer never willingly
relinquishes their torch. Attempts to part bearer and torch (i.e. the Barge or
Disarm skill) increase in difficulty by half
the Torchbearer’s level (minimum 2, round up). The Torchbearer is also hard to
disarm in a general sense, increasing the difficulty of relieving them of their
weapons (not their torch) by 1.
Gleaned Skills: The Torchbearer continues to pick
up useful knowledge and knacks: they may choose two of the following skills and
allocate three Competency levels between them (the chosen skills must be ones
the Torchbearer has not yet selected): Demon Lore, Dodge Blow, Legend Lore,
Magic Sense, Potion Lore, Rune Lore, Scroll Lore, Sixth Sense, Stone Lore,
Strike to Stun or Trap Sense.
Experienced Dungeoneer: The Torchbearer is now surprised
only on a roll of 1 on a 1d8 whilst underground, and gains a +1 to all
Climb, Endurance, Flee!, and Silent Move rolls (if underground).
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