Tuesday, 25 May 2021

A Heartbreaker of My Very Own: Backgrounds II

 All the Backgrounds come with a table that outlines what the Background allows the character to do, the ability score linked with the Background, and the effects on the character (which ability scores the Background allows a character to increase, additional money, how long it takes to train in the Background, possibilities for further development). Each of the factors are explained below.

The name of the Background, and, in brackets, the ability bonus that is applied when rolling to take an Advance to that Background along with the cost to purchase using Luck Points. Below this is listed the ability score (or scores, from which the player may select one) that the player increases by 1

Then follows a description of the Background and its general applicability, and whether or not the Background has an effect on any skills and abilities.

Each Background gives a potential for the character to develop literacy - some few cultures gain this automatically, and a player’s low Intelligence score may preclude them from being able to read, but if neither of these are a factor, the character’s literacy or otherwise is governed by their rolls as they progress through the Background process. The Background gives a percentage chance equivalent to the character’s Intelligence score plus a number that varies depending upon the Background (it’s highly unlikely a character will learn to read from the Beggar Background for example, but for the Scholar Background, literacy is automatic).

All activities take time to learn, so each Background adds a variable number of years to a character’s starting age. If you are not using the Age option from Labyrinth Lord, this may be ignored, or used as a guideline. Note that, if information on their age is required, 0-level NPCs who have developed a Background to a higher level are assumed to add half (round up) this time period for every additional level above Familiar (thus, our example Blacksmith above, with Blacksmith (Experienced) and Militiaman (Practiced), would add 10 years to their base age – 1 x 3 and 2 x 2 years for their Blacksmithing experience, and 1 x 2 and 1 x1 years of service as a reserve in the Militia). They do not, however, increase their gold, ability scores or synergies.

Backgrounds also grant a character a (usually) small addition to their starting gold. 

Backgrounds also have a telling effect on a character’s Social Status: all characters begin the character generation process with a default Social Status of 5 (where 20 is the highest permissible ranking, although ratings have no lower limit). The Status number attached to each Background is added or subtracted from the default starting status.

This information is followed by a list of Synergies. Synergies represent the fact that certain Backgrounds crossover with one another. Thus, a Barber who later becomes a Gossip adds +1 to when rolling a Gossip check.

All Backgrounds pursued tend to crossover with the generic skills all characters can develop: the Votary Background, for example, provides a large boost to both the Religion and Concentration skills. The skill profile lists the skills that are improved when selecting the Background. In all cases, this adds up to 15 skill points.

Everything a person does leaves a legacy, not only in the material world, but morally and spiritually also. This is reflected by the concept of Eldritch Resonance, whereby the time spent practicing one or another set of skills is manifested by the interaction of the individual with certain kinds of magic. Eldritch Resonance works in three ways: firstly, casting spells with which one has Eldritch Resonance is more effective. If the spell is targeted against a foe and requires a Test, that Test is made at a penalty of -2. In addition, range, duration, and effect, where attached to the caster’s level, is calculated as if the caster is one level higher. Where dice are required to determine the period of an effect, the amount of damage or healing, the dice becomes one size ‘larger’ (i.e. d4 becomes d6, d8 becomes d10). However, if the dice rolled is already 1d10, or higher, it is treated as +1 per dice rolled (i.e. 3d10+3, 1d12 +1, etc.).

The second advantage garnered from Eldritch Resonance is the ability to immediately ‘swap out’ a previously prepared spell for one of the spells with which the caster has Eldritch Resonance (assuming the caster has a spell of the appropriate level prepared and available for substitution - and that the caster actually knows the spell they wish to replace it with!) Spellcasters required to first learn their spells (such as the Magic-User) also gain a bonus to learning their Resonant spells, in that these spells are learned as if the caster’s Intelligence score is two points higher. In addition, Resonant spells do not count against the caster’s maximum number of spells per level.

The third aspect of Eldritch Resonance benefits any character class, not just those that cast spells. If targeted by a spell that is Resonant for them (i.e., appears under Eldritch Resonance in any of their Backgrounds), the character has several options: where no Saving Throw is permitted, they may reduce damage received by 1 per level (for spells like Magic Missile), or, if a Saving Throw is required, they may a) substitute their Background score in the appropriate Background from the Backgrounds Matrix if this is more advantageous than the relevant Saving Throw or b) if this first option confers no advantage, may roll twice for their Saving Throw, taking the better roll.

Each Background has a varying number of Advances: the character moves from their first, randomly generated Background to one that is listed under Advances. In some cases where there is no value associated with the desired Background, this choice may be freely made. Most Advances, however, will require a player to roll a d20 and add - or subtract! - the appropriate ability modifier and equal or exceed the target number associated with that Background. This number reflects the base likelihood that a character coming from Background A has access to the tools and training to learn Background B. Here, the notion of ‘access’ is inclusive of such things of cultural norms, social standing, and the stigma attached to certain careers. It’s simply not possible for a Beggar to become a Scholar in one leap at this stage of their character development (although it becomes perfectly possible when they get a free choice from their Class Backgrounds - assuming their class allows for it - hence a Magic-User whose first two Backgrounds were Beggar and Torchbearer can automatically select Probationer, just as they could select Phrenologist, even if their first two Backgrounds happened to be Labourer and Mercenary). Note that some Advances are only available as a second Background, and do not appear on the random tables whereby one selects their initial Background. Note that some Backgrounds have very many Advances available - which looks rather daunting on the page. Conversely, some - those which are only available when moving from your original Background - have none.

Certain combinations of Background and Class (or Background and Culture) can confer Advantages - these are rather like ‘feats’ in certain other systems, although they are seldom particularly powerful. Thus, a Cleric with the Herdsman Background is permitted to substitute several specific low-level Druid spells for Cleric spells on their spell list, whilst an Assassin, Thief or Ranger with the Lookout Background, if making a successful check against their target number on the Background Matrix when surprised, may roll a 1d4 for Initiative and add their Dexterity bonus in the surprise round. A Fighter with the Initiate Background may, on a successful check, gain a +1 bonus to hit, damage, AC or saves against one type of animal per day. Tieflings with the Netweaver Background gain the ability to shoot demonic webs from their hands. A Warlock with the Dealer, Pharmacist or Apothecary Backgrounds may render one use of their Arcane Bolt per day poisonous, intoxicating, or hallucinogenic, whilst a Warlock with the Traceur Background can bounce their Bolt off walls. A Shadow Dwarf with the Dragoman Background gains a bonus when interacting with Hags, Giants and Lycanthropes. A Bard with the Mercenary or Soldier background gains the ability to inspire courage in their allies during combat.

Below are three example Backgrounds:


+1 choice (WIS, DEX, CHA)

Artisan, Knave, Warrior

People are easily entertained, and tormenting animals seems to cause endless amusement. Use this skill to teach animals tricks and to use an entertaining patter to distract crowds. Your choice of alignment will drive how you use this skill - Evil alignment would indicate participation in cockfights, bear-baiting or training a jackanape, whilst a Good alignment is more likely to teach animals to sing, play and amuse without bloodshed. 

Literacy: 10 + INT (as a percentage)

Age: Add 2 years to your starting age.

Starting Gold: +1d8, plus one (small) trained animal. Typical examples are monkey, cat, snake, dog, fox, ferret, raccoon. This creature is highly unlikely to fight for you (skill roll with a difficulty of -12 overrides this).

Social Status: -2

Standard Tests: Fellowship, Presence

Synergies: +2 Gamekeeper, Ostler, Herdsman, Hunter, Rustler, +1 Vedette, Ratter, Snake Charmer, Trapper.

Skill Profile: Nature 4 Lore 3 Concentration 2 Streetwise 3 Manipulate 3.

Eldritch Resonance: hold animal, locate creature, speak with animals

Advances: Beggar, Boatman (6), Burglar (11), Butcher (5), Carter (7), Chapman (10), Charcoal Burner (8), Cooper (6), Escapologist (12), Fisherman, Footpad, Fuller, Gamekeeper (15), Gongfarmer, Grave Robber (9), Herdsman, Hunter (8), Initiate (10), Juggler (11), Knife Thrower (12), Labourer, Medium (6), Mercenary (15), Nihilist, Novice (10), Occultist (19), Ostler (8), Outlaw, Pickpocket (11), Rake, Ratter, Ropemaker (10), Rustler (6), Saddler (11), Scrapper (10), Servant (4), Slave, Snake Charmer (8), Tanner (4), Thug, Torchbearer (9), Traceur (13), Trapper (10), Tumbler (10), Vagrant, Vedette (17), Watchman (8), Wickerworker (10), Woodcutter (9), Wrestler (8).

Advantages: Alchemist - you may add +2 to any efforts to Distill Extracts from animals.

Bandit - your experience working with animals serves you well in the wild. Once per day you may cast animal invisibility, with a duration equivalent to 1 turn plus 1 round per point of WIS bonus (minimum of 1).

Bard - you may use your Charming Performance ability to calm and befriend animals, with a modifier based upon your level of competency in the Nature skill, as follows: Familiar (-2); Practiced (+0); Experienced (+2); Mastered (+5).

Explorer - you may add the Druid spells animal invisibility and speak with animals to your spell list.

Merchant - your familiarity with exotic animals and livestock enables you to add +3 to any Bargaining or Appraisal involving animals.

Necromancer - when you cast the summon necromantic familiar spell, only Undead animals will respond to your call, but they will gain +1 to AC and an extra 2 hit points.


+1 choice (INT, PER, JUD)

Priest, Scholar

Use this skill to navigate by the stars and determine auspicious moments for magical endeavours. A successful roll using this skill with a penalty equivalent of the level of the spell as follows: 1st level (-11); 2nd level (-9); 3rd level (-7); 4th level (-5); 5th level (-4); 6th level (-3); 7th level (-2); 8th level (-1); 9th level (0) - it is easier to predict the best time for large scale effects than to do so for casting a sleep spell. However, if the target of the sleep spell is the Emperor’s personal bodyguard, difficulties might decrease, as the effect of the spell is potentially very large indeed (i.e., it is intended to facilitate the death or capture of the Emperor). Success gives an appropriate time for the casting of the spell to within one hour. 

If the spell is successfully cast within this period, all variables are maximised and any targets make their Tests with a penalty equivalent to the level of the Astronomer who calculated the casting time. With regard to spells such as dispel magic, the level of the Astronomer is multiplied by 2 and added to the percentage chance of a successful dispel effect. 

Astronomy is one the Nine Noble Arts, and therefore astronomers are held in high esteem by those who profess to honour the Gods.

Literacy: Yes

Add 3 years to your starting age.

Starting Gold: +3d4

Social Status: +5

Standard Tests: Intelligence, Perception

Synergies: +2 Astrologer; +1 Cartographer, Engineer, Scribe.

Skill Profile: Concentration 4 Detection 3 Nature 3 Lore 3 Religion 1 Arcana 1.

Eldritch Resonance: dancing lights, infravision, locate object

Advances: Academic (11), Acolyte (10), Administrator (8), Apprentice (10), Apothecary (17), Astrologer (9), Beggar, Calligrapher (15), Cartographer (12), Chandler (14), Courtier (16), Douanier (7), Engineer (13), Engraver (9), Enigmatologist (14), Eremite (10), Footpad, Gentry (14), Hayward (15), Illuminator (17), Initiate (9), Labourer, Lampwright (16), Lensgrinder (6), Librarian (6), Medium (12), Mercenary (18), Mirror Maker (15), Mountaineer (19), Musician (13), Nihilist, Novice (8), Occultist (16), Outlaw, Painter (12), Pharmacist (18), Philosopher (11), Phrenologist (10), Physicker (18), Probationer (13), Rake, Scribe, Seafarer (8), Seer (7), Tapicer (12), Tutor (10), Vagrant, Votary (15).

Advantages: any Knave - you may cast the Illusionist spell blindness once per week, but only if you make a successful Astronomer roll at -5 and spend 2 Luck Points. 

Cleric - at night - regardless of whether stars are visible, although you must be outdoors - you are treated as if you are one level higher for the purposes of Turning Undead.

Explorer - if outside and under a clear night sky, you gain the ability to cast dancing lights or faerie fire (one of these spells, once per night, at a cost of 1 Luck Point).

Kineticist - at 4th level, you may also choose to wield starlight as a form of elemental energy. On a natural roll of 20, your target must pass a Celerity Test or be blinded for 1d3 rounds. 

            Paladin - at night, under clear skies and outdoors, your Detect Evil and Protection from Evil abilities have an enhanced range of 90’ and 15’ respectively.


+1 choice (DEX, CHA, PER, FEL)

Artisan, Knave

Use this skill to engage in seemingly idle gossip (fishing for information) and cut hair. Barbers can be scurrilous rogues or amiable innocents, but either way, the Barber’s shop is a place where secrets and gossip come out to play. Barbers can also – at a -6 penalty – perform minor feats of chirurgery (see the Physicker).

Literacy: 35 + INT (as a percentage)

Add 1 year to your starting age.

Starting Gold: +1d6, some sharp scissors and a set of fine razors

Social Status: +1

Standard Tests: Perception, Celerity, Fellowship, Guile

Synergies: +1 Comic, Gossip, Impressionist, Phrenologist, Raconteur.

Skill Profile: Etiquette 2 Streetwise 2 Manipulate 2 Legerdemain 2 Healing 4 Deception 2 Detection 1.

Eldritch Resonance: charm person, detect lie, keen ear*, knives*

Advances: Actor (8), Administrator (16), Astrologer (12), Beggar, Bookbinder (15), Brewer (11), Cobbler (9), Comic (10), Con Artist (11), Deacon (13), Dealer (15), Dragoman (13), Engraver (14), Enigmatologist (16), Footpad, Gossip (6), Grave Robber (10), Impressionist (8), Infiltrator (15), Innkeeper (10), Jeweller (14), Knife Thrower (17), Labourer, Lacemaker (15), Medium (6), Mercenary (16), Mesmerist (10), Messenger (14), Milliner (13), Mirror Maker (12), Musician (13), Nihilist, Novice (10), Occultist (14), Outlaw, Perfumier (15), Perruquier (12), Phrenologist (5), Physicker (19), Pickpocket (6), Politician (15), Prestidigitator (11), Printer (15), Probationer (14), Quacksalver (12), Rabble-Rouser (9), Raconteur (10), Rake, Servant, Singer (10), Storyteller (10), Tailor (16), Toll-Keeper (6), Torchbearer (12), Torturer (10), Vagrant, Wit (13), Writer (10).

Advantages: Beguiler -  if attempting to Beguile someone whilst cutting their hair, you may +2 to your chance of doing so.

Demonologist, Enchanter, Magic-user, Witch - if you are able to obtain (yourself) a lock of your target’s hair, and use it as the material component in a spell intended to manipulate or control, they suffer a -3 penalty when making Tests against your spell. The lock of hair is expended by the casting.

Healer - if you make a successful chirurgery role (i.e., using this skill at -6) in conjunction with casting a cure...wounds or healing spell, you may re-roll any ones when rolling to determine how much damage is healed. If you fail, you must re-roll any fives or sixes when determining damage healed. 

Hexer, Witchfinder - if you can obtain a lock of a target’s hair, you may add +2 to any attempts to Track them.  

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