Tuesday, 18 May 2021

A Heartbreaker of My Very Own: Skills


There are a number of skills available to all characters. The character builds competency in these skills by accumulating experience in the form of points. These are provided by the character’s class, lineage/culture, Backgrounds and free points that the player can allocate as they wish. 

Skill bonuses are applied to various Tests, with a modifier determined by the character’s degree of proficiency in the appropriate skill. This is chosen according to the amount of points a character has in that skill, as follows:

Unschooled (-3) 0 skill points

Familiar (0) 1-9 skill points

Practiced (+1)         10-19 skill points

Experienced (+3) 20-34 skill points

Mastered (+5) 35-49 skill points

Paragon (+7) 50 skill points

Skill points are obtained in the following amounts:

Culture/Lineage 25

Backgrounds (3) 15 (45)

Class         20

Free Points 10

Per Level               all classes gain 3 skill points at levels 1-10; 2/level thereafter

Thus, during their careers, a character gains 150 points to spend upon skills. Quick scrutiny indicates that characters will probably achieve the highest level of skill in two or three skills, unless the player elects to specialise in four or five skills to the exclusion of anything but minimal competency in others, although it must be noted that Weapon Competencies don’t use the Skills Modifier. Rather, a character invests any points they choose to spend on Weapon Competencies in a single weapon, allowing them to move that weapon to the next column of the Attack Matrix when passing certain thresholds, whilst most Combat Maneuvers do use a Skills Modifier.

Below is a brief discussion and description of each skill. The definitions are deliberately elastic, so that there is no need for further, more granular skills. Thus, the Nature skill incorporates both knowledge of animals, plants, weather and basic geography, along with several practical skills, such as the ability to forage, survival skills and tracking skills. 


This skill measures the character’s understanding of arcane magic, the planes, arcane items and the history and theory of magic. It can be used to identify spells as they are cast, read scrolls (if the character does not wish to cast read magic) and to identify planar creatures, constructs, fey, aberrations and magical beasts. Standard Tests: Perception (to identify a spell or creature), Intelligence (to read a scroll or recall information about a magical item).


This skill includes the ability to tumble, jump and perform acrobatic or gymnastic maneuvers (effectively, anything not covered by the more prosaic Movement skill). Standard Tests: Celerity (tumbling out of harm’s way), Prowess (trapeze artist, parallel bars, etc.).


Brawn is the ability to focus one’s physical might and use it to destroy objects, force doors (or hold them shut) and to perform similar actions. The Brawn skill can be used to lend extra power to a blow (adding 1d6 to damage), but only under limited circumstances - such as when a foe is unaware of you, or if you are in single combat or your foe is prone or stunned. Using Brawn in this way does come with a few disadvantages, however. You must subtract 1 from your Initiative score, and lose any Celerity bonus to your AC. Standard Tests: Strength (to hold a door shut, boost a blow’s damage), Stamina (holding up a heavy weight over a long period of time), Presence (intimidating through display of physical presence).


Concentration is used for spellcasting rolls, sniping a moving target, remaining attentive whilst picking locks in the heat of battle, long stints on watch and sustained mental exercise. Standard Tests: Perception (surveillance), Celerity (follow a moving target), Intelligence (casting an Arcane spell, study and research), Wisdom (casting a Divine spell), Charisma (activating a psionic power).


The Deception skill covers both verbal confabulations, keeping a straight face and such things as forgery, acting, creating a disguise or pretending to be someone else. Standard Tests: Guile (most forms of deception), Presence (acting), Celerity (forging a signature), Fellowship (idle gossip, planting rumours).


Detection involves active searching: the player must declare the object and method of their search in order for this skill to apply. Standard Tests: Guile (detect deception), Judgment (assessing a person’s character or temperament). 


Endurance represents the ability to sustain physical activity for prolonged periods without succumbing to fatigue. This skill can also be used to temporarily ignore the effects of various injuries and ability damage. Standard Tests: Prowess (prolonged physical activity), Willpower (resist torture, overcoming pain and fatigue), Stamina (resisting spells such as polymorph).


Etiquette includes knowledge of precedence, genealogy in the feudal setting, heraldry and the correct and polite approach during social interactions. None who would enter gentle society should overlook this skill. Standard Tests: Guile (innuendo), Fellowship (ingratiating oneself with the nobility), Intelligence (recalling important information about individuals, etc.), Prowess (courtly dance).


A character’s ability to project emotions and ideas through creative media is governed by the Expression skill. Expression is not just the purview of artists, musicians and poets, but of artisans, agitators…and, sometimes, magic. Standard Tests: Prowess (dance), Presence (singing or reciting poetry), Celerity (playing a stringed instrument), Judgement (assessing a work of art).


The use of folk remedies, herbs, old rituals, and practical medical knowledge (strapping wounds, using pressure to stanch bleeding, slings for broken arms, tourniquets and so on). Also includes dentistry and such knowledge of hygiene as exists in the absence of an understanding of germs. Can be used once per person per injury to heal 1d3 hit points of damage, and to diagnose disease (at a -2 penalty) and provide treatment for those suffering from poison or disease (may make daily saving throws at +1 to throw off disease). Standard Tests: Perception (assess injuries), Judgement (diagnosis of disease, talking therapy), Celerity (emergency first aid), Intelligence (theoretical medicine).


Governs all manner of sleight of hand tricks, prestidigitation and picking pockets. Standard Tests: Perception (spot a card trick, a pickpocket, etc.), Celerity (picking pockets, general sleight of hand), Guile (distracting others whilst performing tricks).


Lore denotes the character’s general knowledge. Many things come under its rubric: history, politics, culture, trade and all things not apprehended by more specialised lore (represented by Arcana, Nature, Etiquette and Religion). Standard Tests: Intelligence (to recall some point of fact), Presence (teaching), Judgement (sifting useful facts from dross).


This skill is used when a character seeks to appeal to the emotions of others, or apply logic in debate. It is used by goodly leaders and orators to inspire – and by others to create doubt and fear. It operates on both a mass level (as with oratory) and on an interpersonal level (such as a hulking thug seeking to intimidate a weedy town watchman). Standard Tests: Guile (hidden/subtle manipulations), Presence (oratory and leadership), Fellowship (encouragement), Prowess (physical intimidation), Celerity (fast talk/blather), Intelligence (logical argument), Perception (detect attempts at manipulation).


The ability to understand, operate, build and design technological items. Note that whilst most technology is reasonably simple – mills, carts and so forth, movable type has been invented (thus the Printer Background), and locks and traps can be fiendishly complex. Standard Tests: Perception (to detect traps), Celerity (picking locks, disarming traps), Prowess (operating a manually-powered item), Guile (setting traps), Intelligence (designing machines).


Movement governs the character’s ability to swim, run and climb. Standard Tests: Stamina (pushing one’s limits, climbing), Prowess (swimming, distance running), Celerity (sprinting).


The Nature skill covers the lore of all things growing and living, landforms and weather, along with the practical knowledge needed to train and handle animals, survive in the wild, including the ability to read and follow tracks. Standard Tests: Perception (tracking), Fellowship (interacting with animals), Presence (training animals), Intelligence (identifying plants and animals), Guile (laying a false trail), Judgement (foraging/survival).


This skill includes an understanding of religious dogma, ceremonial and ethos. It also includes the ability to identify Undead, divine magic and items. Standard Tests: Judgement (applying religious doctrine), Intelligence (knowledge of particular religions, identifying Undead), Presence (preaching), Willpower (prayer, meditation).


This skill is applicable when a character rides any kind of beast of burden. Certain fantastic creatures will apply serious negatives to the skill check. Note that the default skill applies to horses, but for some cultures or lineages the default might well be wolves, boars, or griffins… Standard Tests: Prowess (the default for riding).


Stealth governs a character’s ability to move silently and conceal themselves from unfriendly eyes. Standard Tests: Dexterity (moving silently), Guile (camouflage), Willpower (hiding).


This skill governs the character’s knowledge of the criminal underworld and life in the poorer quarters, as well as the ability to make contact and interact with those who call the underworld home. Standard Tests: Perception (to spot danger), Guile (locating a contact), Celerity (blending in with crowds), Intelligence (knowledge of the underworld), Fellowship (casual conversation with criminals/the poor).

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