Sunday, 16 August 2020

The Kethenzala: an Elf-kindred for Blood & Treasure

 Bone Elves (Kethenzala)

Rare in the extreme, the Bone Elves represent one of the more disturbing - to other Elves, at least - Elven lineages to have emerged from Shroudfall. Where Dawn Elves are treated with scorn (masking a deep-seated fear of Elven ‘devolution’), the Bone Elves, with their thorough focus on all aspects of death, are deemed an unhealthy abomination. Bone Elves tend to congregate in the slums and ghettos of human cities - for reasons most do not examine too closely. It should be said that most Bone Elves are Neutral in alignment (with a slight lean towards the Chaotic alignments). However, any alignment is possible.

Kethenzala average 70” inches in height and have a movement rate of 30’. Their skin is a leathery grey, whilst their hair is usually a white-raddled cobalt blue. Eyes of piercing gold flecked with red lend them a daunting and unhealthy aspect. Bone Elves live for 1200 years, and begin with the following languages: Ketelcqa, Urugraz, Vaerylle and one human lingua franca (usually Hyarene, Kanastasi or Urdrinn).

Somewhat at odds with their slightly sickly appearance, Kethenzala are tough as old boots, in addition to being cunning and curious. They gain +1 to Constitution and Intelligence, but their scholarly lifestyle and obsession with mortality leaves them with a weak musculature and rather daunting personality. They lose 1 point from Strength and Charisma. Bone Elves possess the following minimum/maximum ability scores: STR 3/18, INT 9/19, WIS 3/18, DEX 7/18, CON 7/18, and CHA 3/17. They roll 2d4 + 6 for Heritage. 

Kethenzala possess the usual Elven traits, save that they are not immune to Ghoul Paralysis (although they may add +2 to Saving Throws made to avoid its effect) and exchange the longsword for the scythe (but of course) as a weapon with which they gain a +1 attack bonus. 

Kethenzala also add +3 to Lore task checks pertaining to Undead and +2 to Reaction rolls from intelligent Undead. Bone Elf Clerics (and Anticlerics) add their Charisma bonus (if they have one) to rolls to repel, destroy or command Undead. 

All Bone Elves can cast deathwatch at will.

Bone Elves may pursue the following classes: Acrobat, Alchemist, Anticleric, Antipaladin, Assassin, Bounty Hunter, Cleric, Diviner, Fighter, Leech, Necromancer, Paladin, Priest (Death, Fighting, Scholar, Trickster, Weird), Sentinel, Scout, Shadowdancer, Sorceror, Thief, Tomb Raider, Warlock, and Wizard Hunter. 

They may also pursue the following multi-class options: Assassin-Necromancer, Diviner-Thief,  Fighter-Necromancer, Thief-Priest (Death, Weird), Thief-Necromancer, Thief-Sorceror.

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