Sunday, 17 November 2019

Grounded Gulls: The Miravi for Blood & Treasure

Disliked but tolerated by ‘civilised’ society, the gull-like Miravi are a common sight in littoral regions – and the down-at-heel parts of human cities. These swaggering mariners and scavengers make their way any way they can – a modus vivendi that often leads to criminality…or poverty. Some few are traders or warriors, but most pursue the path of extra-legal activity. Not actually evil by nature, most Miravi favour Neutral alignments.

Miravi average 60” in height and have a movement rate of 30’. Miravi are avian bipeds with arms in place of wings. They retain the head of a gull, and have downy soft feathers on their torso, neck, lower legs and arms. They are usually white and black in colour. Most have black beaks, although some – the infamously ill-tempered ‘red-beaks’ differ. Miravi generally live short lives, most dying in their fifties, although some lucky – and sensible – individuals live as long as humans. They begin play knowing one human lingua franca (usually Yrenaic, Kanastasi, Urdrinn or Avronakiyan).

Miravi are healthy and swift, gaining +2 to Constitution and +1 to Dexterity, but lack a solid musculature, caution and have a prickly temperament. They therefore receive a -1 penalty to Strength, Wisdom and Charisma. There are two other varieties of Miravi, the violent Red-beaks and the stately Mollymawks. Red-beaks have no penalty to Strength, but have a -2 to penalty to Wisdom. Mollymawks receive no penalty to Strength or Wisdom, but lose their bonus to Dexterity. All Miravi have the following minimum/maximum ability scores: STR 3/17, INT 3/18, WIS 3/17, DEX 4/18, CON 10/19, and CHA 3/17. Miravi and Redbeaks roll 1d4 + 2 for their Heritage score, whilst Mollymawks roll 1d6 + 3.

All Miravi are noted for their ‘iron guts’, an ability to eat or drink more or less anything and survive. They gain a +2 to saving throws against ingested poisons and parasitic diseases (this bonus is only +1 for the more selective Mollymawks and +3 for the feral Redbeaks).
Miravi are also excellent swimmers and divers, gaining a +1 bonus to all such task checks.
Finally, Miravi can fight using their sharp beaks, doing 1d2 damage (1d2 +1 for the slightly larger Mollymawks).

Miravi may choose from the following classes:  Acrobat, Alchemist (Mollymawks only), Assassin, Barbarian (Redbeaks and standard Miravi only), Bard, Bounty Hunter, Chaos Mage, Cleric, Curmudgeon, Diablo, Duellist, Druid (Mollymawks only), Fighter, Jester, Mariner, Pariah (Redbeaks and standard Miravi only), Poltroon (Redbeaks only), Priest (Fighting, Travel or Trickster), Prophet (Mollymawks only), Saboteur, Scout, Sea Dog, Sorceror (Mollymawks only), Thief, Tomb Raider and  Venturer (Redbeaks may not become Venturers, as they have a rather direct method of settling trade disputes).

They may also pursue the following multi-classing options: Fighter-Thief, Mariner-Thief, Sea Dog-Chaos Mage, Sea Dog-Sorceror (Mollymawks only), Sea Dog-Venturer, and Sea Dog-Thief.

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