Sunday, 12 November 2017

And So It Begins...

Hello and welcome to Tales of the New Kingdoms, a blog devoted to sharing the fruits of a decades-long labour of love: the world of Verkhun, home to various RPG campaigns since 1993. Most of these campaigns have taken place under a version of Rolemaster, but have also included deviations into Fantasy Hero, older editions of D&D and, more recently, I’ve attempted a Pathfinder adaptation.

So what can be expected from this blog? Well, I envisage a rather random grab-bag of commentary on this or that piece of crunch, new or tweaked rules, spells, magic items, races, nations, cultures and possibly the occasional small-scale adventure. Realistically, this blog exists simply because I have a world and ideas to share. 

Coming soon...a brief introduction to Verkhun and, more specifically, the New Kingdoms with associated thoughts on how settings shape games and games shape settings.

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