Sunday, 9 July 2023

South of Kambyra: The Plagued Island of Yerrunoch

 HEX 2


The Isle of Yerunnoch

This hex is mostly open water - although quite shallow. There are two major reefs where the Cowdray Shoals (Hex 1) draw near to the dominant feature of the hex, the small isle of Yerunnoch. This is a low-lying isle, oriented NNE-SSW. It is ellipsoid in form, some two miles long and a mile and a half wide at its widest point. It is anchored at either end by two hillocks: that at the NNE end is a grassy, treeless and windswept rise (attaining the lofty height of 100’) that ends in steep cliffs of crumbling loess. A mostly ruined lighthouse stands above the cliffs, and provides the best vantage on the whole island.

The northern coast consists, for the most part, of steeply shelved gravel beaches, whilst the southern shore is primarily rocky and treacherous, but for two shallow coves of rough sand. That at the southern end of the isle is partially sheltered by a large rocky outcrop (the second of the Isle’s two ‘heights’, a magisterial 80’), which glowers down on the meagre anchorage and a collection of crude but tidily-kept cottages where the thirty-seven islanders dwell in a hamlet that is simply called ‘Town’.

Most of the folk here survive by fishing, beachcombing and (in normal times) maintaining a few sheep and chickens across the rest of the island. Each cottage has a small vegetable patch, but the climate and salt-laden air tend to create small yields. Somewhat oddly, to those who come upon it in the normal way (by sea, from the south), the hamlet is protected on the landward side by a low fence of driftwood and fishing nets, fronted with a shallow but wide moat. Even more oddly is the fact that these rudimentary defences are patrolled at any time by three pairs of villagers, each wearing leather armour and armed with slings, long daggers and various pole arms (spears, harpoons and tridents, for the most part).

The reason for the defences is fairly obvious to anyone who actually sets down on the island anywhere outside of Town. The island has been overrun by giant vermin of various kinds, sent as something of an experiment by Khattriyuba (see Hex 7). This villainous renegade wishes to control the Malstedt Isles, and the first stage in his plans is to conquer Yerunnoch, Horn (Hex 5) and Zaar (Hex 6). The folk of these three islands have rejected Khattriyuba’s overtures and threats, previously considering him quite mad. Khattriyuba responded by sending out two rowboats laden with oversized vermin against Yerunnoch - the weakest and least defensible of the three.

The rowboats were grounded on the northern coast of Yerunnoch some four weeks before the commencement of this adventure, and the vermin quickly swept across the small island. Within two days, there was no livestock left outside of Town, and the villagers had - after driving off several oversized nasties - quickly erected their defensive structures. The rest of the island has been left to the vermin - many of which are now dead, having killed each other out of hunger once the livestock were consumed.

Nonetheless, several remain, most of which are beyond the ability of the villagers to deal with, other than to keep them away from Town. The following creatures remain, wandering the island (several others are detailed in particular locations):

1 Giant Bombardier Beetle Type: Vermin; Size: Medium; HD: 1 (hp 4); AC: 16; Attacks: bite (1d8); MV: 30’; Save: 16; INT: Non-; AL: N; NA: 1; XP/CL: 100/2; SA - acidic vapour (10’ cone, save or deafened and stunned 1 minute).

3 Giant Centipedes Type: Vermin; Size: Tiny; HD: 1/2 (hp 1, 2,2); AC: 11; Attacks: bite (1 + Poison II); MV: 50’; Save: 17; INT: Non-; AL: N; NA: 3; XP/CL: 50/1.

2 Giant Spiders (Hunter) Type: Vermin; Size: Medium; HD: 2 (hp 4, 8); AC: 14; Attacks: bite (1d6 + Poison II); MV: 40’ (30’ climb); Save: 16; INT: Animal; AL: N; NA: 1; XP/CL: 200/3.

A Giant Tick has set itself up in the ruins of the lighthouse, whilst a Storm Crab (one of Khattriyuba’s more able ‘lieutenants’) is menacing the north coast, and is considering moving to the southern coast and summoning up a storm to bewilder and demoralise the people of Town. The Storm Crab is a unique creature, born when a pirate ship was wrecked off the coast of Gelderi (Hex 9). Most of the crew drowned, including the captain - who clung to existence as a Draugr, only to be consumed by a Giant Crab. The result was some sort of unholy merging that resulted in a clever and cunning Giant Crab with the ability to affect the weather and a taste for the destruction of passing ships. Khattriyuba met this creature and promised it new opportunities for carnage, and it has - thus far - served him well.

Storm Crab Type: Monster; Size: Medium; HD: 4 (hp 14); AC: 18; Attacks: 2 claws (1d6 + constrict); MV: 20’ (10’ swim); Save: 14; INT: Average; AL: CE; NA: 1; XP/CL: 1800/6; SP - control weather (1/day); SD - resistance (fire).

Giant Tick Type: Vermin; Size: Small; HD: 3 (hp 13); AC: 16; Attacks: bite (1d4 + blood drain + disease); MV: 10’: Save: 15; INT: Non-; AL: N; NA: 1; XP/CL: 300/4.

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