Friday, 5 May 2023

South of Kambyra: The Unravelled Isles

This post is part of a hexcrawl series I was planning for Blood & Treasure. I'm not sure of its ultimate fate, but it follows on nicely from the last post, so here it is! I'll post a map as soon as I'm happy with it (or at least, if I can make a map that is ok to look at, a thing by no means certain).

 The Volsturand Islands

This chain of slow-subsiding volcanic islands in the Gulf of Khonoy was once a thriving nation built on privateering and the slave trade. However, a cataclysmic sequence of volcanic eruptions blew the main island, Volsturand apart, and commenced a process of subsidence that continues to this day. Most of the old ruling class fled to the mainland, founding Kavikor and usurping the rule of Khonoy along the way – although some still continue in their grim business of piracy and slave-taking – and the small fortified cities and fishing villages fell for the most part into empty ruin.

In their place came many opportunistic folk from across the sea, seeking to carve out new realms for themselves, whilst the oppressed indigenous tribes sought to throw off the Volsturandi yoke and repel the invaders. Now, the isles are mostly lawless, but their ruin is in fact a siren-song for adventurers and soldiers of fortune. It is said that the precipitous collapse of the pirate-kingdom left those who fled no time to gather up the illicit hoards they had accrued through piracy, and thus the islands draw a small number of bold – or desperate – souls seeking to make their fortune...or even carve out new realms of their own.

The island chain is nearly 480 miles in length, from SE to NW. Its southernmost point is only 36 miles from northeastern Kanthe. The larger – and formerly more prosperous – islands are found in the north-western third of the archipelago, in warmer waters. There remains some trade between the various kingdoms and city-states of central Khonoy and these isles, but it is tenuous, and prey to piracy.

Finally, the island of Kambyra lies some 180 miles ENE of the archipelago. This far-flung colony of the swift-growing Empire of Gerredain (far to the north) is swiftly becoming something of an entrepôt linking Khonoy, Avronakiya, Gerredain  and the lands of Old Yrena. 

South-East to North-West and has some close cultural and commercial ties to the Volsturand Archipelago.

The closest parts of the archipelago to the Khonoy mainland are the Malstedt Isles, a group of eight small, low-lying islands occupied primarily by fisherfolk and herders fled from some of the more obnoxious or oppressive regimes on the mainland. They are joined on occasion by sealers, and sometimes subjected to raids by the Sea-Grymne of Kynnarat (although there is little enough to steal).  The sole exception to this regional inconsequence is the well-defended island of Khorat – not part of the Malstedt Isles proper, but close by. Khorat is the home of the powerful Priest of Deiron, Vygelis and his potent Triton and Light Elf allies.  Vygelis is a cautious ruler, and does not seek to increase his sway beyond Khorat’s coastal waters, knowing that to do so might invite the rancour of foes more powerful than he. The only time he acts beyond his borders is to suppress particularly obnoxious acts of piracy or if petitioned by the Malstedt Islanders for aid (and then only if he deems the risk of projecting his power suitably low). Vygelis’ caution is motivated not by fear, but rather by a vision he received from Deiron, commanding him to create and secure a refuge against some future, unspecified, danger. 





The Cowdray Shoals (SW)

The Cowdray Shoals, a region of dangerous reefs, bleak islets and generally foul weather occupies an elliptical area some 30 miles in length, running SSW-NE. It is no wider than ten or twelve miles. It begins approximately 36 miles NE from the port of Khonoy in northeastern Kanthé and merges with the Malstedt Islands.

The Shoals are the last remnant of a peninsula that once stretched from the now mostly-sunken island of Melzeth (the Malstedt Islands are the shattered ruins of that once mighty land). Few vessels dare the Shoals – they are simply too treacherous, despite the ample rewards for the brave soul who fishes the rich waters. Even the Sea-Grymne and Truk raiders seldom bother with the Shoals. This, of course, has made the Shoals an ideal place for ne’er-do-wells and those who have cause to hide.

Several of the islets provide shelter for smugglers and pirates, although they are not permanently occupied – rather they are refuges or drop points for purloined goods. There is also a pair of islets where a small group of Lannite exiles dwell, in hiding from the persecutions of the Mardicene Church that dominates the Kanthéan mainland. Finally, there are a few wrecked ships written off as high-risk and low-reward - perhaps wrongly - by other adventurers that may tempt the desperate or impulsive adventuring party.

The encounter areas for the Shoals will be detailed in the next post.

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