Saturday, 15 October 2022

Fortnightly Fiends: The Mither

Out in the wild grasslands of the Fourwind Bleak, where the foul winds blow from the ruins of Aria, on the magequake-scarred veldts of Old Hyarenia, and across the wide plains flanking the alchemy-poisoned waters of the River Trebb, and in other grassy places where uncontrolled or corrupted magic has caused serious damage, there can be found the Mither. This - generally timid - small herbivore, which resembles an armadillo, but with lank ratty fur tufting up from between its little plates of armour, is a byproduct of such magical mishap. At about one foot in length, the Mither would normally be regarded as merely a nuisance, but it has several effects that make it somewhat more vexatious, especially for those who wield magic power. Their bite carries an unpleasant disease that is particularly debilitating for spell casters, forcing them to exert themselves to an unusual extent when looking to cast spells. In addition, Mithers are hard to affect through magical power, and their armour is difficult for many weapons to pierce.

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