Also known, rather contemptuously, as Mites, the Khalkus are a strange mix of Fey, Turyx, and even Callac heritage. Although they are primarily a subterranean folk, some Khalkus have left the Midlands and moved above ground (where they nonetheless retain a preference for small dank dens and caves as dwellings). Given their small size and rather craven nature, they are one of the least heroic-seeming lineages - until one considers the miracle of their survival in a world that regards them as utterly useless except as slaves. Khalkus, with their oversized heads, small, puny bodies and bulbous, staring eyes are also incredibly ugly to most folk. Their skin is a somewhat sickly blue, and the few strands of hair they possess droop limply from their sunken cheekbones and knobbly craniums.
The Khalkus, however, have a number of gifts to offset their apparently pitiable state: they are superb natural spelunkers, devastatingly swift (for their size) and sneaky. They also have an innate knack for magic pertaining to insects, minor telekinesis and curses. This, coupled with their sharp sense of smell, ability to locate heat sources in the dark and their knowledge of - and facility with - tight spaces makes them exceptional thieves, assassins and saboteurs.
Famed as the punching bag for many subterranean peoples, the small Mites have recently begun to establish themselves above ground - dwelling in burrows on the edge of wastelands, on the shores of dismal mires and even, in the sewers and alleys of human cities. They have, of course, found new and old enemies on the surface - Skulks, Ratfolk, Goblins, Dwarves, Boggards, Cliessids and various Fey - and are viewed largely with contempt by humankind (and most other lineages). However, they have also struck up unlikely friendships: often they form alliances with Connives, some of the more downtrodden Halflings as well as Lurkers and Fetchlings. The Mites remain rather grim, but, now that they are in less straitened circumstances, they occasionally express themselves with a rather absurd sense of humour that surprises all who come into contact with it. Most Mites retain a Chaotic alignment (with Lawful Evil the most dominant), but an increasing number are shedding some of their cultural baggage and following Neutral path. Mites (who call themselves Khalkus) begin play speaking Khalkavir (their own language), Tur and one human lingua franca (usually Urdrinn, Avronakiyan or Galse).
Mites average 24” in height, and have a movement rate of 30’. They are generally unfriendly and physically weak, losing 2 from STR and 1 from CHA, but are quick and perceptive, adding 1 to their DEX and WIS scores. They have the following minimum & maximum for their ability scores: STR 3/13, INT 3/18, WIS 5/18, DEX 9/19, CON 3/18, CHA 3/16. They roll 1d4+2 for their Heritage score.
Their long history of furtive fear grants Mites a +2 to Move Silently and Hide in Shadows task checks, whilst their experience in subterranean environments gives them a +2 to all Acrobatics, Climb Walls, Hear Noise and Survival checks when below ground. They have darkvision to 60’.
Mites with a Wisdom score of 11 or more may cast the following spells: prestidigitation (2/day) and doom (1/day). All Mites have the ability to communicate with and direct vermin (chance is equivalent to the Mite’s CHA score less the HD of the target vermin) and gain a +2 on Reaction rolls with sentient vermin.
Mites may select from the following classes: Anticleric, Assassin, Chaos Mage, Chthonic Druid, Demoniac, Fey-Mage, Fighter, Magic-User (Abjurer, Conjurer, Diviner, Illusionist, Necromancer, Transmuter), Priest (Death, Guardian, Trickster, Weird), Prophet, Saboteur, Scout, Shadowdancer, Shaman, Sorceror, Soulknife, Thief, Tomb Raider, Warlock, Wizard Hunter.
Mite Scouts, Thieves and Assassins may multi-class as Chthonic Druids, Fighters, Shamans and Sorcerors. Assassins may also multi-class as Necromancers and Priests of the Death or Weird cults.
RMFRP stats:

Ag Co Me Re SD Em In Pr Qu St
6 2 0 0 2 0 0 -4 8 -8
Ess Cha Men Poi Dis Bdev ChanPP EssPP MentPP
0 0 -5 40 60
Talent Points: 45
Acute Smell, Blazing Speed, Dwarfism (minor), Hated Foes (+5 DB/OB vs. Goblins, Hobgoblins, Orcs), Natural Spell List (choose one from: Essence Hand, Insect Mastery or Revenging Law), Power (3 ranks Essence Hand, 4 ranks Insect Mastery, 3 ranks Revenging Law), Racial Training (+10 to Alertness, Caving, Climbing, Fauna Lore [Insects], Mining, Scrounging), Sleight of Hand
Intolerance (Goblins, Hobgoblins, Orcs), Light Sensitivity (-10 to all activities in bright sunlight), Unique Looks (minor)
Special Skills: Everyman - Contortions, Close Quarters
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