Sunday, 26 September 2021

ALOT Left Undone: Two More OSR Petty-Classes




Shepherds are sometimes tempted by poverty – or forced by circumstance – to pursue an adventuring career. By experience they are well-suited to outdoor adventures, being physically and mentally resilient and schooled in dealing with the dangers of their lonely life. They are also blessed with great humility – a product of long periods of solitary reflection and an acknowledgement of their relative insignificance in the wider scheme of things.


Attack Value: 0-level Human 

Saving Throws: Levels 1-4: 18 (all, except Death: 16). Levels 5-6: 17 (all, except Death: 15) 

Hit Dice: d6

Armour/Shield Permitted: leather only/no shields

Weapons Permitted: staff, sling, dagger

Weapon Proficiencies: 1 + 1 per 4 levels

Non-Proficiency Penalty: -4

Base Skills: Animal Husbandry 2, Animal Training 1, Common Knowledge 1, Local Knowledge 1, Weather Sense 1.

Free Elective Skills (choose 3 skills amongst which you may distribute 4 Competency Levels): Cook, Evade, Flee!, Folk Lore, Heal, Herb Lore, Hide, Keen Senses, Mountain Lore, Spinning & Weaving. 


Shepherd Level Advancement

Base Experience

Hit Dice


Points Required






Humility 1




Hardiness 1




Humility 2




Hardiness 2




Humility 3




Herder’s Blessing


Humility: Shepherds are protected by their awareness of greater things – the vastness of the natural world – and the knowledge of their own significance as a part of creation. This enables them to more readily resist outside influences, engage comfortably with others and be open to unusual insights and perceptions. At first level they may once per day choose one of the following options: re-roll a saving throw against mind-affecting magic, an Insight, Keen Senses, Charm, Encourage or Sense Motive roll. Where a re-roll is made, the Shepherd must take the second roll, even if it is worse. The required Competency Level of social skill checks to manipulate Shepherds increases by 1.

At third level, they may deploy their Humility ability twice per day. The Competency requirement to use social skills against the Shepherd increases to 2. At 5th level, they may use the ability three times per day and the required Competency level improves to 3.


Hardiness:  In addition to their mental resilience, Shepherds are also physically robust. At level 2, they may once per day re-roll a saving throw against Death or Paralysis (but must take the second roll, even if the result is worse). This ability may be used twice per day from level 4. They also may add their Hardiness bonus when rolling hit points (as follows: +1 at 2nd & 3rd level; +2 at 4th, 5th and 6th level). Finally, they may add their Hardiness bonus to the following Competencies: Climb, Fish, Herb Lore, Navigate, Weather Sense and Wilderness Lore.


Herder’s Blessing: At level six, the Shepherd’s mighty humility grants the ability to cast one of the following Druid or Cleric spells per day (the Shepherd may select the spell when the occasion arises, and may select a different spell each day): cure light wounds, purify food and drink, detect danger, locate plant or animal and animal friendship.




Sailors are very much natural adventurers: they have a wanderlust that does not abate and a set of skills that serves them well in many situations. They have also learned a thing or two in their travels – odd, disconnected pieces of information that occasionally prove of great utility.


Attack Value: Thief (level 1) 

Saving Throws: Levels 1-4: 18. Levels 5-6: 17 (all, except Death: 16) 

Hit Dice: d6

Armour/Shield Permitted: leather only/no shields

Weapons Permitted: staff, sling, dagger, cutlass

Weapon Proficiencies: 2 + 1 per 3 levels

Non-Proficiency Penalty: -3

Base Skills: Climb 2, Common Knowledge 2, Consume Alcohol 2, Fish 2, Folk Lore 2, Navigate 1, Sail 3, Swim 2, Weather Sense 2.

Free Elective Skills (choose 3 skills amongst which you may distribute 4 Competency Levels): Boat Building, Cartography, Haggle, Intimidation, Mock, River Lore, Row, Sleight of Hand, Story Telling, Strike Mighty Blow. 


Sailor Level Advancement

Base Experience

Hit Dice


Points Required






Sea Legs




Sea Lore








Sea Legs 2




Sea Lore 2




Old Salt


Sea Legs: Sailors are experienced with keeping their feet on deck, regardless of what the sea is doing. Any penalty to combat or skill resolution incurred due to instability underfoot (at sea or otherwise) is reduced by 1, increasing to 2 at 4th level.


Sea Lore:  Sailors hear all sorts of odd stories, rumours and gossip. Once per day, they may search their memories for some nugget of information that might prove useful. They have a 5% + 2%/level chance of knowing something relevant. At level 5 this chance increases to 10% + 3%/level.


Shanty:  Sailors know many tall tales and songs to rouse the spirit or enthral the listener. At 3rd level, they may use either the Perform or Story Telling skill (with a required Competency Level of 4) to improve the Reaction Rolls of an audience numbering no more than half their CHA bonus (rounded up).


Old Salt: Veteran sailors have seen and heard a lot in the course of their seafaring. At level 6 they become very difficult to fool, adding 3 to the Competency Level required to deceive them, and treating their Keen Senses Competency Level as if 3 higher for the purposes of detecting illusion magic.

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