Monday, 20 July 2020

Snakey Charmers: The Ir-Ukyn for Blood & Treasure


Although their great empire is no more, and they are mostly scattered, dwelling in primordial swamps, the Ir-ukyn retain an almost mythical hold on the human imagination. These lizard-like humanoids once used their mastery of mental powers to hold sway over large human populations, and they retain these powers still. The fear remains that one day they will seek once more to dominate humankind. Most Ir-ukyn, however, are content with their current state of eclipse and the quiet satisfactions of life in the wild. Most Ir-ukyn practice a Neutral alignment, although there is a small but significant minority of Chaotic (usually Lawful Evil) disposition who long for their former pre-eminence.

Ir-ukyn average, 68” in height and have a movement rate of 30’. They are powerfully-built saurian bipeds with long tails. They are covered in varicoloured scaled hides. Ir-ukyn possess hypnotic reptilian eyes. They live for up to 90 years and begin play with their own language, Ir-ukyn

An Ir-ukyn’s powerful physique grants them +1 to Constitution and +1 to Strength, but are awkward and slow, and possessed of a cold and rather repellent demeanour, giving them a -1 to Dexterity and Charisma. They have the following minimum/maximum ability scores: STR 9/19, INT 3/18, WIS 3/18, DEX 3/17, CON 5/19, and CHA 3/17. They roll 1d6 + 1 for their Heritage score.

Ir-ukyn – despite their aloof manner – have the ability to wield significant charismatic power: when they cast enchantment spells, they are treated as if they are two levels higher (for spell duration, etc.) and advanced enchantment spells are treated as if they are two levels lower for the purpose of learning them. In addition, they may double their percentage chance when rolling to discover the presence of psionic powers and the strength of such powers.

Ir-ukyn also have a powerful tail slam attack (1d6 damage) and gain a +1 to Survival, Tracking, Move Silently and Hide in Shadows task checks in swamps and forest. Their tough reptilian hide grants them a +1 bonus to their AC.

Ir-ukyn have the following classes available to them: Anticleric, Assassin, Barbarian, Beastmaster, Defender, Demoniac, Druid, Fighter, Magic-User (Abjurer, Conjurer, Diviner, Enchanter, Evoker, Illusionist, Necromancer, Transmuter), Priest (Death, Fighting, Weird), Psychic, Ranger, Ronin, Scout, Sentinel, Shaman, Sorceror.

They may also pursue the following multi-classing options: Assassin-Psychic, Assassin-Enchanter, Assassin-Sorceror, Enchanter-Ronin, Enchanter-Scout, Psychic-Ranger, Psychic-Ronin, Psychic-Scout, and Psychic-Sentinel.

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