Sunday, 21 January 2018

Introducing the Winter Gnome

The Winter Gnomes are a rare subrace of Gnome from the cold southern regions of the New Kingdoms, particularly the icy archipelagos of the far southern seas and the fjords and mountains south of Daen and Hardesh. East of the Sea of Light, these lands have been colonized, or 're-occupied'by various nations of the New Kingdoms, their own civilisations having mostly died out in the wake of Shroudfall. 
Winter Gnomes are slightly smaller than regular Gnomes, and generally more aggressive, due to the fact that they live in a constant state of warfare with every manner of foe: Frost Giants, goblinoids, Vulfen and Winter Wolves, among many others. Unlike other Gnomes, they tend to favour the path of the warrior,although they still share a Gnome's interest in magic, and even the most dedicated warrior might know a spell or two, or have a passion for magical lore.

Winter Gnome Cultural Package

Body Development 2, Caving 2, any one Craft skill 1, Faerie Lore 2, Foraging 3, one Melee Weapon 1, one Missile Weapon 1, Perception 3, Region Lore (homeland) 3, Stalk & Hide 3, Tracking 1, Weather-watching 1.

Free talents:
Icerunner: +20 to Moving Maneuvers in snow and ice
Canny: +10 to Perception
Eldritch Awareness: as the spell Detect Magic B. May be used up to 3/day at a cost of 1d10 Exhaustion Points.

Optional talents (Cost 1 BGO unless noted):
Winter Magic: Reduce ESF by 20 for all Cold and by 10 for Earth-related spells
Crafter: +15 to any one Craft
Skilful: 5 ranks in Artifact Lore, Attunement, one Craft skill, Faerie Lore, Fauna Lore, Flora Lore, Frenzy, History, Magical Languages (Chaos, Iruaric, Purosis), Planar Lore (Ice or Earth), Religion, Runes, Stone Lore or Weather-watching* (may be selected multiple times, each time for a different skill)
Heirloom: Daily III item (Essence only)* Cost: 2
Racial Foes: +20 to OB & DB when engaged with Giants, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Orcs, Kobolds, Gargoyles, Harpies, Winter Wolves and Vulfen.
Gift of Magic: 5 ranks in one of the following spells Compass, Detect Fey, Detect Illusion, Earth Sense B, Endurance I B , Elemental Veil B, Freeze Water B , Ice Touch I B, Locate Minerals,  Minor Vibration , Resist Cold  B, Torch Fire, Skeins of Ice (see below), Ventriloquism* (option may be selected more than once, selecting a different spell each time).
Blood Hatred: +15 on rolls to enter Frenzy when engaging Kobolds and Vulfen.
Mana-Rich: Power Point Development cost reduced to 3. Cost 2
Fey-Friend: +20 to all Influence/Interaction rolls when dealing with Fey creatures*
Guard Against The Fey: +20 to RRs vs Fey powers and spells*
Winter-Trained: +20 to Navigation, Weather-watching and Foraging in cold climates only.

Options marked ‘*’ may only be selected at level one.
Spells marked ‘B’ are from the Project BASiL spell lists.

Unique Winter Gnome Spell:
Skeins of Ice (Essence, level 1)
Caster is able to abstract 6 cubic inches of ice from the air and weave it into one of the following shapes: Knife, Two Arrows, Dart, Sling Stones, Pitons, Target Shield, Snowshoes, Staying Wedge, Mirror or Horn. The temperature must be below 2°C (35.6°F) in order to create sufficient ice.  The ice takes 3 rounds to appear and it takes a further round to mould the ice into the required shape(s).  The Knife may be used as a -10 Dagger. The Arrows, Sling Bullets and Dart have a 20% reduction in range, and have a -15 penalty. All items have a Strength of 20 (+5/PP invested). Damage done by weaponised ice counts as Cold damage against those creatures that have a susceptibility.
Duration: 1 minute/PP expended, Range: 10’, Target: - , Type: F.

A little baffled by the above? It looks a bit like RM and a bit like other systems. This is somewhat of an experiment, more fully explained here. I hope to make Pathfinder and OSR versions of the Winter Gnome available shortly (more on the to-do list!)

Thursday, 18 January 2018

The New Kingdoms after Shroudfall

The horrific chain of events generally subsumed under the title Shroudfall forever destroyed the political – and greatly altered the physical – geography of the New Kingdoms. Great empires were shattered and the lands devastated by the tremendous chaotic forces that propagated through the network of the Elvengates. The New Kingdoms, as a prosperous and mostly civilised region was home to eight of the twenty-three Gates, and suffered heavily as a result (although the disaster was not as terrible as it might have been, due to the timely closure of the Gates in Menel, Khaoris and Sabahris). Nonetheless, the Chaos Storm destroyed the remaining five Gates and wrought vast havoc on adjacent regions.

The worst hit in the initial burst was the imperial capital, Kolsec. The Gate lay in the grounds of the Palace, and its total destruction unleashed an explosion of sorcerous energy that levelled much of the city before rolling out across the surrounding plains. Over a million citizens of the Empire perished in the first hours of the catastrophe, including the Imperial Family, all the senior members of the bureaucracy and many great nobles. Unfortunately for the Empire, the northern city of Zaroshen was also home to a Gate, and this Gate was blown apart scant minutes after the Imperial City was destroyed. Zaroshen suffered as badly as the capital and the Chaos energies released there soon mingled and reacted with the larger Storm moving up from the south. The resulting conflagration enveloped the heartland of the Empire, with hurricane-force winds and sudden outbreaks of volcanism causing the flat, densely populated plains to buckle, ripple and in some places dissolve entirely, melting into the pure stuff of Chaos.

The next Gate to blow was that outside the capital of Lhanai, Barinas: although the Gate was among the smallest of those in the New Kingdoms, and situated well away from the city, its downfall was among the most spectacular. Instead of directing its energies primarily outwards, as happened with most other Gates, the Lhanai Gate imploded, creating a vortex that caused the land for miles around to collapse into a vast rift, carrying the city of Barinas with it. Although the vortex eventually burned itself out, it had created a pit of tremendous depth, a ragged scar that drove down into the Utter Deeps and from which emerge – even now, a thousand years later – toxic fogs, huge gouts of acidic ash and molten rock, and, it is said, dark-hearted spirit creatures in the service of the fell Lords of the Utter Deep.

Two other Gates were destroyed in the Chaos Storm: that which served Lerinia in the cavern city of Nerumayr and the Gate in the Dwarf-fastness of Bastion. Nerumayr and the mountain in which it sheltered were obliterated, setting off a chain of seismic disturbances that rippled across Lerinia. Of particular import was the partial collapse of the Enterac Mountains. A vast region of peaks subsided and crumbled, leaving behind a large badlands, destroying the millennia-old civilisation of the Hobgoblins of Khajj, such that they survive now as vicious scavengers amid the ruin of their old glories, preyed upon by the Chaos-maddened Giants they formerly called allies.

In Bastion, fenced-off by Dwarven wards, the Gate was destroyed but the physical energies were contained. However, the wards, although they preserved the fortress, could not prevent the spiritual rot released by the Chaos Storm. Within six months, travellers began to report a ‘strange upwelling of suspicion and increasing cases of madness’ among the folk of Bastion. One year later, a group of traders who went to Bastion emerged from the fortress bloodied and terrified, speaking of maddened Dwarves that drank the blood of living men and women, Dwarves whose faces melted and reformed as if made of wax. All travel to Bastion ceased, and two years later the first incursions of the Chaos Dwarves and Blood Dwarves began, dread raiders sweeping the lands around Bastion in search of blood and death. Eventually an army of Dwarven warriors, Vostroskan mercenaries and alchemical engineers from Giuras was able to contain the incursions and besiege Bastion (building a great set of fortifications around the fortress, manned by the most doughty warriors and ensorcelled with wizardly and priestly power).

Thus it was that in the space of three short and horrific years three of the greatest powers in the New Kingdom had fallen: the Kolsec Empire had been the mightiest nation, and Lhanai, its striving rival, whilst the Dwarves of Bastion had been a great stabilising influence in the east. Worse, however, was to come as the full physical consequences of Shroudfall became apparent. Although much of the region had survived the immediate impact of the Chaos Storms, some areas now found themselves consigned to a lingering and in some cases, horrid death. Least damaging was the slow sinking of the lands at the mouth of the Rhasad River. During the decades immediately following Shroudfall most folk were too busy managing the multiple hazards of atrocious weather, famine and failed harvests and incessant attacks by barbarians, nomads and humanoids to notice the incursions of the ocean in the Rhasad’s wide and swampy delta. However, it soon became apparent that the ocean was conquering the land there, and over the following two centuries, the delta and much of the fertile plain that surrounded it were gradually submerged, until the land finally settled, leaving a shallow and rather treacherous gulf where once had been the heartland of Lhanai. The mighty port city of Olkos (once located on an island in the delta ninety miles from the open sea) was now an isolated outpost, with fifteen miles of ocean between it and the nearest shore, plagued by pirates and cut off from its sources of food.

Almost as insidious was the advance of the Bhrune Desert in the northwest: as the changes to the weather and the courses of several important rivers took effect, marginal land became useless and the great wine-growing regions of the northern Kolsec Empire became useless for all but the most tenuous forms of pastoralism. Eventually, the desert reached the northern mouth of the Demongate before the advance slowed. Even now, however, farmers in the northwest dread the coming of the dust-bearing winds that sweep down through the Demongate and over the mountains, bringing a hacking cough and the death of harvests buried beneath dust and sand.

The climate changed across the whole region, although this change occurred in the manner of an intensification of existing patterns. For example, the ‘stormy south’ became even more so: always cool and windy, it is now prone to vast southerly storms that belabour the coasts with hail, snow and gales that drive boats to ruin on the rocky shores. The drier west and north is mostly unchanged, save for the fact that winters – particularly in the high plains – are now much colder and marked by blizzards, and framed by dismal autumnal fogs that last for days on end.

The east coast – long the wettest and warmest region of the New Kingdoms (barring the desert north) – is even wetter, particularly in late winter and spring. It has also become hotter in summer but considerably colder in winter, with snow now frequent in the highlands. The results of this have been mixed: crop yields have increased, but massive and destructive floods have become a regular occurrence, whilst new and virulent diseases have arrived, attacking plant, beast and humanoid alike.

Yet the most remarkable consequence of Shroudfall was the sudden emergence of new races. Most of these were hybrids of human and beast (and more rarely, human and plant), but others represented divergent strains from long-established races. In addition, the number and prevalence of the elemental hybrids increased. This was most common near the areas where Shroudfall had been most directly destructive: central Lhanai, the old Kolsec heartlands and the northern wastelands. There was often strife and persecution of these new humanoids, but eventually – although some severe prejudice still remains – the new ‘Shroudborn’ became part of everyday reality for the old folk.

The final change was one of politics: the collapse of the great powers, and the barbarian invasions that followed left a huge vacuum in the New Kingdoms. Only a few of the former nations survived. Foremost among these were the Realms of the Magelords, the Elven lands in the great forests of Menerhanta and the Kingdom of Rakhanay. Yet even Rakhanay disappeared briefly from the maps during the great Arunaic Ascendancy, when religious fanatics from the west swept into the New Kingdoms and dominated the north and west for nearly a century before their theocratic rule collapsed under the weight of its many internal contradictions.

Now, a millennium after Shroudfall, a tenuous stability reigns. With the restoration of trade and the abatement of the barbarian invasions, new nations have formed and older ones regained their strength. But it is a fragile peace, guaranteed mainly by comparative amity between the nations and the current lack of external enemies. None can tell when some dark new threat will arise to shake the palaces of the great and spread woe and wrath once more.   

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

In Which Your Obedient Servant, Having Thrown Rolemaster Over The Side, Attempts To Bring It Back On Board

I've been looking for ways to accommodate Rolemaster into the new material upcoming without stepping on any toes with regard to Intellectual Property...I know, I know, its been a grumbly theme of mine for a while now. Here is where I'm at: as noted in previous posts, I'm using characters built on the Single Set (Skill Costs)/Archetypal Builds model. I'm left with the issue of spells, spell lists and background options. I'm going to use converted OGL spells, spells from Project BASiL (you'll find these over at the Rolemaster Blog), plus several of my own creation, so characters won't actually be purchasing spell lists at all. Instead, they'll have a pool of spells associated with their Build. Thus, the Prophet build will have a set of - for example - some thirty or forty spells that they can unlock as they progress (using Prime Levels as a point of entry for spells of increasing power and complexity), and will have a casting skill roll based on certain stats and the type of magic they're using - I'll retain the four realms (Arcane, Essence, Mentalism and Channeling: this is supposed to be RM, after all!). It is a system intended to be lower magic than standard RM (the really potent magic will be the product of long, expensive and above all dangerous rituals). The aim is also to reduce reliance on spell lists as the source of magical power, as I'd prefer special Build/Race/Culture-based powers and talents to carry some of that weight.

I'm also looking at some other innovations: I want to change the structure of the combat round a bit, primarily to open up creative space for talents/background options. I also want to do the same around combat itself, by creating (and stealing, I mean borrowing) new maneuver-style options for combat (partly because I don't like the passivity of defense in RM, of which more in another post). Again, these will provide new spaces for talents and will not require the creation of new skills (although I adore the range of skills in RM, I recognise the need to keep them to a manageable level).

The obvious danger with all this is potential 'build bloat' and 'talent bloat' - a bit like issues with multiple feats and ever more classes in d20-type systems...but only if you consider it a 'danger' at all. Yes, you'll have Builds for every concept you can think of (I am currently working on the Botanist, Beggar, Administrator, Herald, Shepherd, Prophet and Guardian 'Profession' Builds along with the Peasantry, Woodsfolk, Moon Elf, Urban Poor, Winter Gnome and Wood Elf cultural builds)*, and talents/skill unlocks burgeoning alongside them, but to be frank, I consider this a good thing. A cornucopia of options enables players to create the characters they want, but more importantly and perhaps selfishly, enables me as GM to build the world I want.

* as an aside, I'm also looking into the possibilities of  - where appropriate - creating all these as classes for OSRIC, Swords and Wizardry and Labyrinth Lord.

Thursday, 11 January 2018

A Bit of a Teaser

So the map below (done by me, using the Dungeon Painter Studio software, available on Steam) is of an island that is something of a bridge between the New Kingdoms and distant Zarovena, the famed Tiger Empire. It's a colony of the Empire, but is closer to and trades heavily with the New Kingdoms, and is thus something of a melting pot for ideas and cultures. It's also a site of intrigue and a hotbed of revolt: many agitators from the Empire are exiled here.

I've long planned a series of adventures to take place on Kambyra, and I'd like to present some of the material for those here (interspersed with the Chelmsey Series). It's also my intent to publish some of it on OneBookShelf or some other platform. Anyhoo, here's the map: I'd be interested if any readers have an opinion on what OGL system they'd like to see material for Kambyra (I can't do justice to Kambyra using the limited Rolemaster resources permitted).

The island of Kambyra is approximately 200 miles on the NW-SE axis, and is located in the temperate zone (the climate, however, verges on the sub-tropical). Kambyra Town is the main port and de facto capital (although the colonial governor's official residence is in the balmy lake town of Dylaro). It's also a bit scummy, with a very 'lively' underworld.
Kambyra Town is rather isolated from the rest of the island: it sits at the tip of a long sandbar, beyond which lies a large and lawless area of semi-desert and swamp. Beyond this formidable and unfriendly region is the interior, a region of rich plantations, pleasant villages and (mostly) idyllic forested hills, sheltered from the nastier southern storms by the crescent of mountains that make up the southern and eastern parts of the island. But of this, there is plenty to come.

Friday, 5 January 2018

Portrait of a Guardian: Harotanu

She sits, face quiet, on the bluff's edge, legs swinging playfully, incongruously, as she stares down at the slow-surging Well. I hear you, she murmurs, but I shall not be swayed by your promises of power and union. What are you? She looks for a moment at her hands, heavily callused from years of swordplay. What good is a sword against such might? Then she sighs heavily, thinking instead of the nervous sense she had felt earlier, of being watched - of being hungered for. What else is out there? Is it responsible for the dead Goblin a few days ago? She shuts her mind against the corrupted keening of the Well and moves easily to her feet, lynx-like. Her eyes flare briefly from calm grey to brilliant orange. Trouble coming, she grimaces. And I must never forget the gifts I have been granted. Initiate of the Veiled Moon, steel yourself, she smiles wryly and wanders off towards her father's cottage, loose-limbed but never at ease.

A Chelmsey native, Harotanu is both blessed and cursed. She was born a Varakho – a human whose spiritual and physical essence has been fused with the raw material of Chaos. Although the Varakho generally inspire awe, love and mistrust in equal parts, in Chelmsey they are hardly treated as different, due to the fact that they are rather common as a result of the Chaos Well’s transformative impact. She is not the first, and nor shall she be the last Varakho to hail from Chelmsey.

She is the daughter of a local shepherd and shearer, Kerrod Morthy, a well-respected man who, as he ages, spends more and more time with his flock and less time among the villagers, although his love for his daughter is deep and enduring. But he is afflicted with a great sadness, for two reasons: his elven wife, Atana died giving birth to Harotanu, and he has never recovered. Perhaps worse, however, is his estrangement from his only son, Veldiru – Harotanu’s elder brother – who blamed Harotanu for Atana’s death and made her young life a misery. When Kerrod sided with Harotanu, Veldiru became intensely jealous of his ‘mutant’ sister. As soon as he was old enough to leave, Veldiru departed Chelmsey without a word to his father and sister. Harotanu eventually sought him out, and found him in an Arunaic seminary in the capital, Brejlgard. Harsh words were exchanged, with Veldiru threatening to ‘end’ Harotanu if he saw her once more.

For a time, Harotanu wandered the wilds, honing her skills as a hunter and exploring her deep connection to the land. She became a devoted follower of Kamizadros, the Wilder God. So she might have remained, a lonely but not unhappy pilgrim, until an encounter with a brutal and mad Priest in an isolated village – not unlike Chelmsey – saw her choose a slightly different path. She became a hunter of evil magic and its practitioners in the service of Kamizadros, and was initiated into the martial secrets of the Veiled Moon discipline by the elders of that faith.

Once she felt able and competent to contribute to the defense of Chelmsey, she returned home as Kamizadros’ representative in the village, and one of the observers charged with maintaining the watch on the Well and the village. Despite the warm welcome accorded to her on her return, she remains a loner at heart, and tends to remain on the fringes of village life, helping her father with his herd when she is not watching over the Well or observing strangers to Chelmsey. The innate restlessness of her Chaotic heritage remains, aggravated by the siren-call of the Chaos Well, worrying at her mind and heart. She fears – despite the reassurances of the elders of Kamizadros - that she is unequal to her chosen service.  And always, there is the thought that one day her brother will come home to make good on his dark promise...

Harotanu is like most Varakho, tall (6'3") and powerfully built. Her hair is purple, and her skin a little darker than most of her Chaos-touched kindred. She is, despite her intensely retiring nature remarkably attractive, a fact which more or less escapes her - or it did, until she had to rather forcefully rebuff the unwelcome attentions of various cads, rakes and thugs. This awareness means she is even more inward, and cautious, in her dealings with others. You can find the RMFRP information about the Varakho (a race I developed based upon ideas in the Elemental Companionhere. I'll hopefully add Pathfinder and OSR elaborations on the Varakho at some point.

HAROTANU  (Pathfinder)                                                                               CR 6
CG VARAKHO Medium Humanoid (Chaotic, Human)
Ranger (Spirit Ranger)4/ Witch Hunter 3
Init +2; Senses Perception +12
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+2 Armor, +2 Dex, +1 Deflection)
HP 35 (7d10 + 7)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +8
Speed 30 ft.
 +1 bewildering shortsword +10 (+8 2wf) (1d6 + 2/19-20; x2)
 +1 mwk punching dagger +10 (+8 2wf) (1d4/x3)
Short Bow +9 (1d6; x3), 14 normal arrows + 6 thistle arrows
Special Attacks favoured enemy (goblinoid) +2, devoted strike 3/day, martial stance (Leaping Spirit Dance), readied martial maneuver (Dimensional Strike)
Spell-Like Abilities Augury (CL 4) 1/day in favoured terrain only
Spellpoints 2
Spells Known/Attuned Level One - alarm, detect aberration, detect blight, detect enemy, endure elements, jump, mistsight, mountain goat, nature's paths, pass without trace, read magic, summon nature's ally I, woodcraft
Str 15, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 9
Base Atk +9; CMB +9; CMD 21
Feats Combat Expertise, Two-Weapon FightingB, Skill Focus (Stealth), EnduranceB, Martial Training, Iron WillB, Deflect Blow.
Skills Acrobatics +4, Climb +7, Heal +7, Knowledge (geography) +8, Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge (nature) +9, Knowledge (religion) +3, Lore (The Chaos Well) +6, Lore (Chelmsey) +7, Lore (Kamizadros) +7, Perception +12, Profession (Shepherd) +5, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +15, Survival +11, Swim +7
Languages Common, Goblin
SQ Detect curse, Favoured terrain (mountains), Track, Spirit Bond, Wild empathy, Witch sense, Veiled Moon discipline (initiator level 3, Wis-based), chaotic magic
Combat Gear potion of protection from evil, potion of cure light wounds, tanglefoot bag
Other Gear potion of owl's wisdom, ring of protection +1, leather armour, healer's kit, climber's kit, bloodblock (3), duskeye (3), silent pitons (2)

Harotanu (Labyrinth Lord)
Level 6 Hunter (Witchfinder)
Str 15 Dex 15 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 13 Cha 9
AC 16 (Leather armour, Ring of Protection +1) hp 27 Save/Attack Cleric 6
Attacks Short Sword +1 (+3 to hit, 1d6+3), Dagger (+1 to hit, 1d4 +1); Short Bow (+1 to hit, 1d6)
Backgrounds Hunter 2, Scout 2, Shepherd 1
Feats Sense Motive, Thief Training (Move Silently 43%), Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Specialisation (Short Sword +1)
Sigils Shield (+1 AC, 2 rounds), Resistance (+1 to all saves, 2 rounds), Push (20’ cone, 25% stun, 2 rounds)
Turn Undead as Cleric level 3
Hunter’s Focus +1
Hunter Abilities Crafting 47%, Tracking 50%, Investigation 55%
Resistance +2 vs. Poisons & Illusion spells, Immune to Diseases

And here, as of 5th April, 2019, is Harotanu in her Fantastic Heroes & Witchery incarnation.

Ranger 3/Agent of the Gods 1
STR 15 DEX 15 CON 14 INT 12 WIS 13 CHA 9
AC 15 (+2 Leather Armor, +1 DEX, +1 Small Shield, +1 Ring of Protection)
HP 5w/17v
SAVING THROW 13 (+1 Ring of Protection)
BtH: +4 melee/+4 ranged
Movement: 12”/30 ft.
Attacks: +1 Bewildering Short Sword; Short Bow
Damage: 1d6+2/1d6
Skills: Climbing + 4, Detection +5, Knowledge-Religion +2, Stealth +4, Survival +4, Tracking +4
Special Abilities: +2 CHA, CON & STR saves, Bravery, Second Sight, Animal Empathy, Combat Marauders (+2), Granted Power: Seer, Magic use: 2 x 1st-level spells daily
Spells Spheres: All, Animal, Law/Good, Plant, Protection
Social Class: Lower-class/Poor
Background: Peasant
Personality: Altruistic
Allegiance: Tiavesth

And here is Harotanu for Blood & Treasure:

Human Ranger 6/Dervish 2
Neutral Good
STR 14 INT 12 WIS 13
DEX 15 CON 15 CHA 9
AC 13 HP 36
Saving Throw: 14 (+1 vs. fear and charm)
Short Sword +1 bewildering ATK+5 DMG 1d6+2; Punching Dagger ATK +6 DMG 1d6; Short Bow ATK +5 DMG 1d6; Unarmed Strike ATK +2 DMG 1d4+1
Height 6' MV 35'
Feats: Expertise, Iron Will, Two-Weapon Fighting, Skill Focus (Move Silently)
Skills:  Acrobatics +3
Climb Walls +3
Guile +2
Handle Animal +6
Hear Noise +9
Hide in Shadows +3
Move Silently +12
Set Snares +6
Survival +7
Tracking +7
Languages: Common, Celestial, Dwarf
Surprised 1 on 1d6
+6 DMG & +2 to track Chaotic Humanoids/Giants & Aberrations
+1 DMG with melee weapons
Stunning Blow
Deflect Arrows/Small Missiles
Spells Prepared: jump, pass without trace
Padded Armor 
Scroll of augury
Scroll of detect magic
* a bewildering weapon, upon scoring a critical hit does not do an extra 1d6 of damage, instead requiring the foe to pass a saving throw or be subject to a confusion spell for 1d3 rounds

I'll update this post with Harotanu's RM stats (modified to reflect my stance noted in previous posts) and stats for her OSRIC incarnation as soon as I'm happy with them. For PF stuff that is 3rd party, I'll update the Pathfinder Resources page in the near future as well. Harotanu's non-Paizo spells are sourced as follows: detect blight (Book of Divine Magic), detect enemy (Genius Guide to 110 Spell Variants),  mistsight (101 1st-level Spells), mountain goat (101 Hill & Mountain Spells) and woodcraft (110 Spell Variants). The Spellpoint rules come from the Spellpoint Companion by Rogue Genius Games. Harotanu is also built using the Veiled Moon discipline from the Path of War series from Dreamscarred Press and the Deflect Blow feat comes from TPK Games' Laying Waste. The Witch Hunter class is a Rogue Genius Games product and can be found at the d20PFSRD site. Pathfinder Unchained skill rules were applied. 

Harotanu's Labyrinth Lord build uses the Hunter from Fantastic Wizardry and the options detailed in Skills, Feats and Equipment, both of which I rate highly for broadening Labyrinth Lord's range of options without going too far away from the system's essential simplicity.

Making More of Talents in RMFRP IV

  Today I'm continuing to examine the notion of 'Talent Packs' in RMFRP as ways of rounding out, deepening or broadening charact...