Sunday, 15 May 2022

ALOT Left Undone: The Trapper Petty-class




The Trapper is one of the more ‘adventurous’ Petty-classes, inasmuch as they are familiar with the wilds and skilled in woodscraft, although they are hardly on a par with Rangers and their ilk, especially in combat. A Trapper of the highest order gains some very useful, almost mystical abilities when in their preferred environment.



Attack Table: Thief

Hit Dice: d6

Saving Throw: Level 1-4 (all 20, except Breath Attack & Poison 18); Level 5-6 (all 19, except Death 17, Breath Attack, Poison 16)

Armour/Shield Permitted: padded, leather. No shields.

Weapons Permitted: club, dagger, dart, hand axe, javelin, short bow, sling, spear

Weapon Proficiencies: 3 + 1 per 3 levels

Non-Proficiency Penalty: -3

Base Skills: Climb 1, Common Knowledge 1, Animal Lore 2, Folk Lore 1, Follow Trail 2, Foraging 2, Keen Senses 1, Set Snares 2, Weather Sense 1.

Free Elective Skills (choose 3 skills amongst which you may distribute 5 Competency Levels): Brawl, Butchery, Cook, Evaluate, Fish, Fey Lore, Flee!, Furrier, Haggle, Heal, Hide, Navigate, Resist Poison, Sixth Sense, Silent Move Rural, Skinning, Swim. 


Trapper Level Advancement

Base Experience

Hit Dice


Points Required






Preferred Prey +1




Happy Hunting Ground +1




Trapper’s Senses




Preferred Prey +2, Animal Speech




Happy Hunting Ground +2, Animism




Preferred Prey +3, Trapper’s Communion


Preferred Prey: Most Trappers specialise in one kind of animal, learning their habits and behaviours. This lends them an advantage when locating, tracking, killing, setting traps and butchering, skinning or otherwise utilising the animal. The trapper selects one of the following animals: bear, beaver, boar, ermine, ferret, fox, mink, raccoon, sable, wolf or weasel. They gain +1 at first level to rolls to hit, damage rolls, Animal Lore, Butchery, Cook, Evaluate, Follow Trail, Furrier, Haggle, Set Snares and Skinning checks pertaining to this type of animal. This bonus increases to +2 at 4th level and +3 at 6th level.


Happy Hunting Ground: Just as they hone their skills with regard to one particular species, Trappers tend to stick to one kind of terrain or biome. At 2nd level, the Trapper selects one of the following terrains: Forest, Plains or Mountains. When in this kind of terrain, the Trapper gains a +1 to their AC, Foraging, Follow Trail, Silent Move Rural and most Movement- and Perception-type skills (GM discretion). This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level.


Trapper’s Senses: A Trapper’s senses become increasingly well-developed. At 3rd level, they may, once per day, reroll one Keen Senses or Follow Trail skill check or one Saving Throw against Dragon Breath, although they must take the second roll, even if it worse than their original.


Animal Speech: The Trapper can use the Mimicry skill to communicate with their preferred prey and an Insight roll to understand any response (they may add their preferred prey bonus to these rolls). The level of communication is very low, and confined to simple topics and limited ‘words’.


Animism: Trappers who spend long enough in the wild become partially attuned to the spirit of the land. Once per day, a Trapper may simulate the effect of one of the following first level Druid spells, if completing a successful Insight skill roll (with the listed penalty for each spell): animal friendship (-1); detect pits & snares (no penalty); invisibility to animals (-4); locate animals (no penalty); pass without trace (-2); predict weather (-3) and purify water (-2).


Trapper’s Communion: A Trapper eventually forms a spiritual bond of sorts with the land, granting them the ability to receive empathic impressions from the territory chosen as their Happy Hunting Ground. These impressions only apply to an area of 1 square mile, centred on the Trapper and convey minimal information that must be contained in short sentences (e.g., “the trees to the north are outraged”, “the river speaks of evil upstream”, “the soil exalts the People of the Sun”).



Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Troubadours Amid The Trees: The Arialee for Blood & Treasure

Many are the tales of mortals coupling with the Fey - most are untrue, but there is always a pearl of truth in the oyster of mythology. Coupling does occur at times, and, although the offspring are always human, their Fey heritage comes through. There have also been cases where various Fey have cursed - or blessed - a particular family or bloodline, and the spiritual residue of such an act leads to a strain of mortals manifesting the traits of the Fey that performed such an act. Note that Feyborn almost always draw the suspicions of the superstitious, and the ire of religious fanatics.

Those humans bearing the heritage of the Brownie generally fall into the latter category of Feyborn: a Brownie, as return for a good deed (or on a whim) has gifted a human family with a Fey blessing. Thus, Feyborn with this heritage are almost always found in rural areas (or, at least, call such places home). Their Brownie heritage renders them short (average height 56", 30’ movement), timid but endearing...and blessed with acute perception, swiftness and a knack for the performing arts and tricksome magic, as well as a dislike of cities and a propensity to hide rather than fight. These Feyborn have tawny hair and pale brown complexions, and eyes of a cherry hue. In terms of alignment, these folk are almost always Neutral.

A Feyborn of the Brownie heritage gains +2 to Dexterity but loses 2 from their Strength score. They have the following minimum/maximum ability scores: STR 3/15, INT 5/18, WIS 3/18, DEX 10/19, CON 5/18, and CHA 3/18. They roll 4d4 for their Heritage score.
If alone - or if using an individual initiative system - an Arialee adds +1 to their Initiative roll. They also add +1 to saving throws against poison and + 2 against non-magical diseases. They are only surprised on a roll of 1.

Due to their affinity for the natural world and for illusion magic, Arialee treat themselves as if one level higher when learning Advanced Druid and Illusion spells, and treat the following spells as if they were Basic: alter self, enlarge person and reduce person.

All Feyborn of this heritage automatically gain the Musician or Poet secondary skill in addition to their randomly generated skill. Should they randomly roll the same skill selected above, they may add +2 to any task checks where this skill is relevant.

Finally, the Arialee add +1 to Lore checks related to Fey, curses, spells and Survival checks. They are, however, somewhat unsettled in cities and large towns, taking a -1 penalty on Reaction Rolls and any skills involving WIS or INT.

Arialee may select from the following classes: Acrobat, Alchemist (Arcane, Natural)*, Bard*, Beastmaster, Druid, Duellist, Elementalist, Fey-Mage, Fighter, Jester, Knight of Flowers, Magic-User (Enchanter, Illusionist, Transmuter), Ranger, Scout, Sorceror*, Thief. The Arialee may dual-class as humans do. In addition, Arialee Scouts and Thieves may multi-class as Enchanters, Fighters, Illusionists, Sorcerors or Transmuters.
* Arialee Alchemists do not gain the ability to create poisons, and those choosing to follow the Arcane path may never select the Necromancy school when choosing a new school and do not gain the ability to create incendiary devices at 10th level, instead gaining magic resistance against illusions and enchantments (beginning at 50% at 10th level and increasing by 4% per level), whilst Arialee Bards add the Summon Nature's Ally spells to the list of spells they may learn. Arialee Sorcerors are limited to the Elemental, Dragon and Fey bloodlines.

Making More of Talents in RMFRP IV

  Today I'm continuing to examine the notion of 'Talent Packs' in RMFRP as ways of rounding out, deepening or broadening charact...