Monday, 28 June 2021

More Multi-class Roles for Fantastic Heroes & Witchery

 In a bit of an aside from what I've been posting lately, here are a few more multi-class roles for FH&W (Curiously, I just noticed that its one day short of a year since I posted the first of these):  

The Investigator


The Investigator is a variant on the Versatile Combatant. These rough-and-ready sleuths generally concentrate on the skills necessary to aid in their inquiries, whilst they favour the ability to fight unarmed.


Classes Combined: Professional + Fighting-Man

Requirements: Strength 9+ and Dexterity 9+

BtH Progression: as per Fighting-Man

Hit Points: half the sum of 1d6 + 1d8 (rounded up)

Saving Throws: +4 to Strength and Constitution saves.

Weapons/Armors: All armors and shields, and six weapon proficiencies of the player's choice. The penalty for non-proficiency is -2.

Abilities: Fighting-Man specialty - Brawler: add level to Athletics checks; Unarmed attacks do 1d4 + STR modifier of bludgeoning damage (non-subdual). They gain a +2 to AC when fighting unarmed, unarmored and unencumbered. Eight skills (level +2 to checks): Deception, Detection, Gaining Information, Knowledge- Local, Persuasion, Poisons, Stealth, Traps.


The Skald


The Skald, a variant on the Versatile Combatant, is a repository of cultural lore and furious combatant charged with singing warriors into battle.


Classes Combined: Professional + Fighting-Man

Requirements: Strength 9+ and Dexterity 9+

BtH Progression: as per Fighting-Man

Hit Points: half the sum of 1d6 + 1d8 (rounded up)

Saving Throws: +4 to Strength and Constitution saves.

Weapons/Armors: All armors and shields, and six weapon proficiencies of the player's choice. The penalty for non-proficiency is -2.

Abilities: Fighting-Man specialty - Barbarian: add level to Survival checks; +1 bonus to all damage rolls with two-handed melee weapons. Skills – (add level +2): Artistic Capacity, Astronomy/Astrology, Athletics, Climb, Knowledge – history, Knowledge – local, Knowledge – military, Persuasion.


The Shaman


The Shaman, a variant on the Religious Combatant, is a hunter, oracle, healer and spiritual advisor to the leaders of the tribe.


Classes Combined: Clergyman + Fighting-Man

Requirements: Strength 9+ and Wisdom 9+. Allegiance to a non-Chaotic deity, or the ancestors.

BtH Progression: as per Fighting-Man

Hit Points: half the sum of 1d6 + 1d8 (rounded up)

Saving Throws: +2 to Strength and Constitution saves, +4 to Wisdom saves.

Weapons/Armors: All armors and shields, and six weapon proficiencies of the player's choice. The penalty for non-proficiency is -2.

Abilities: Fighting-Man specialty - Hunter: add level to Tracking checks; +2 bonus to all damage rolls vs. one kind of enemy, peculiar to their tribe. Skills – (add level): Knowledge (nature), Persuasion. Replace the Turn Undead, Sanctuary and Dispel Charm prayers with the following prayers (these function as per the spell of the same name) Speak with the Dead, Locate an Animal or Plant and Merciful/Merciless Presence.

The Ignoble


The Ignoble, a variant on the Profane Combatant, is a maddened recluse, a noble withdrawn from polite society – perhaps spurned for higher honors, or scorned by a lover, or ruined by scandal. Regardless of the source of their disaffection, they have turned to dark powers in order to enact their foul vengeance.


Classes Combined: Cultist + Fighting-Man

Requirements: Strength 9+ and Intelligence 11+. Aristocratic background and allegiance to Chaos.

BtH Progression: as per Fighting-Man

Hit Points: half the sum of 1d6 + 1d8 (rounded up)

Saving Throws: +2 to Strength and Constitution saves, +4 to saves against both magical and non-magical forms of persuasion that would cause them to abandon their perverse follies.

Weapons/Armors: All armors and shields, dagger, deity’s favoured weapon and four weapon proficiencies of the player's choice. The penalty for non-proficiency is -2. Usual hindrances for armor when casting spells applies.

Abilities: Fighting-Man specialty - Duelist: add level to Acrobatics checks; +1 to hit and +2 to damage rolls with one appropriate weapon (e.g., rapier). +2 to hit obvious/declared enemies of their chosen cult. At second level, Ignobles gain the ability to cast Black Magic spells.


The Footpad and Rakehell


The Footpad and the Rakehell are variants on the Felonious Combatant.  Both are happy to engage in all manner of violent and larcenous activity, merely differing a little in method: Footpads are aggressive and indiscriminate brutes, whilst Rakehells place more import on finesse and flair.


Classes Combined: Thug + Fighting-Man

Requirements: Strength 9+ and Dexterity 9+.

BtH Progression: as per Fighting-Man

Hit Points: half the sum of 1d6 + 1d8 (rounded up)

Saving Throws: +2 to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution saves.

Weapons/Armors: All armors and shields, and six weapon proficiencies of the player's choice. The penalty for non-proficiency is -2.

Abilities: Fighting-Man specialty (Footpad) - Brawler: add level to Athletics checks; Unarmed attacks do 1d4 + STR modifier of bludgeoning damage (non-subdual). They gain a +2 to AC when fighting unarmed, unarmored and unencumbered. (Rakehell) - Duelist: add level to Acrobatics checks; +1 to hit and +2 to damage rolls with one appropriate weapon (e.g., rapier). Backstab as per Thug. Skills – Climb and Stealth at level +2.


The Tinker


The Tinker is a variation on the Versatile Thug.  The Tinker travels from place to place, supporting themselves by repairing damaged items, selling gewgaws and gimcracks and spreading gossip. Many Tinkers - although fundamentally decent folk – can, on occasion, lack a sense of scruples, and will therefore supplement their meagre income with petty larceny and laboring work. Their comparative ubiquity often helps them in both areas, and a clever Tinker often finds ways of combining the two.


Classes Combined: Thug + Professional

Requirements: Intelligence 9+ and Dexterity 9+.

BtH Progression: as per Fighting-Man

Hit Points: 1d6

Saving Throws: +2 to Strength saves and +4 to Dexterity saves.

Weapons/Armors: Leather or studded leather armors, and shields, and four weapon proficiencies of the character’s choice. Non-proficiency penalty: –2 to hit.

Abilities: Thug special abilities (i.e., Climb and Stealth at level +2, and Backstab: x2 at 1st level, up to x5 at 13th level), plus the following eight skills: Deception, Gaining Information, Knowledge (local), Legerdemain, Open Locks, Persuasion, Practical Abilities, Riding.


The Fortune-Teller


Fortune-Tellers are a type of Versatile Mage.  They are well-versed in social skills and use a combination of magic and skill to assess their customers and divine their fortune – although they are not afraid to embellish to give the client what they want.


Classes Combined: Magic-User + Professional

Requirements: Intelligence 11+ and Dexterity 9+.

BtH Progression: as per Professional

Hit Points: half the sum of 1d4 + 1d6 (rounded up)

Saving Throws: +4 to Intelligence saves, plus all saves against magic (this can never stack to get a +8 bonus though).

Weapons/Armors: Dagger, staff and leather armor. Non-proficiency penalty: –4 to hit. Wearing any kind of armor precludes spellcasting.

Abilities: Arcane-lore skill and spellcasting ability (usually Gray Magic, but may be of any kind), plus the following eight skills (adding level +2 to relevant skill checks): Astronomy/Astrology, Deception, Detection, Gaining Information, Knowledge – Local, Knowledge – Occult, Knowledge – Religion, Persuasion.

Monday, 14 June 2021

The Quiet Observer: Ortyn of Heth

 A scratching, seeming almost furtive, comes from the Box. Ortyn knows who it is immediately - long years have taught him to recognise the cramped and careful hand holding the Quill. He can see Tarvaunt in his mind's eye, hunched over the parchment, squinting horribly as he chooses every word with an eye to economy...and concealment. For what feels like an age, but probably isn't, Ortyn of Heth waits for the other wizard to finish his missive. After several false alarms - particularly long pauses as Tarvaunt tries to find the correct phrasings - the Quill finally comes to rest. Hobbling awkwardly on his painful leg  - never again would he attempt to reach the island at the centre of the Well! - he makes his way to the Box.  

Ortyn of Heth is not one of the circle of guardians - none of them know, although some suspect - that he is here as the representative of parties unknown. In fact, he is in Chelmsey as an agent of the Order of the Owl, a group of scholars whose sole purpose is the gathering and preservation of knowledge. He is not there to protect against the Chaos Well, but to study it. A knight-diplomat turned scholar he is now old and somewhat tired, but is enjoying the Chaos Well as an intriguing object of research. He also likes the village and those who dwell there, although most of them are a little uncertain around him, due to his carefully cultivated air of bland but affable disinterest. Folk find him hard to read. When not specifically engaged in researching the Well (and learning as much about the villagers as possible), he spends his time committing a record of his career in writing for the Order to archive.

Ortyn is quite short, but retains some of the musculature of a warrior, and most of the bearing. Now quite bald, he has a meticulously trimmed short beard (mostly white), calm blue eyes, a proud beak of a nose and - currently - a limp gained when he was attacked by the mutant crab that lives in the Chaos Well. 

Ortyn of Heth
Human Cavalier 5/Diviner 7
Lawful Good
STR 11 INT 15 WIS 16
DEX 10 CON 10 CHA 17
AC 10 HP 33
Saving Throw: 12
+2 Longsword ATK+11 DMG 1d8+3
Height 5'5" MV 30'
Feats: Alertness, Expertise, Skill Focus (Lore), Weapon Focus (Longsword)
Skills:  Lore         +11
        Riding          +6
                Alchemy                 +8
Languages: Common, Celestial, Dragon, Elf, Giant, Sylvan
Leadership, Dominate Weaker Foes, Wondrous Mount, Immunity to Fear, Cavalier Weapons. 
Spells Prepared: (1st level) detect magic, identify, light, precognition, read magic, sleep, true strike; (2nd level) detect evil, ESP, know alignment; (3rd level ) clairsentience, dispel magic; (4th level) scrying  
Background/Secondary Skill:
Scale Mail +2 (not usually worn)
Shield +1 (not usually carried)
Longsword +2
elixir of sneaking, bead of force, candle of truth, potions (gaseous form, haste, mage hand, restoration), scrolls (dimension door, detect secret doors, summon monster II), farscriber's parchment, quill & box
Below is the Fantastic Heroes & Witchery version of Ortyn.

Making More of Talents in RMFRP IV

  Today I'm continuing to examine the notion of 'Talent Packs' in RMFRP as ways of rounding out, deepening or broadening charact...