Monday, 29 June 2020

New Roles for Multi-Classed Characters in Fantastic Heroes & Witchery

One of the things that finds me moving ever closer towards Fantastic Heroes & Witchery is the free supplement detailing multi-classing. It gives a number of fairly elastic templates that allow for the creation of various 'roles' - ways of blending two NPC classes (Clergyman, Professional, Magic-User, Thug, Fighting-Man and Cultist) to create one multi-class (where, for example, the combination of the Clergyman and Professional produces the Versatile Clergyman). These basic combinations are then elaborated further into 'roles'. The Versatile Clergyman, for instance, has three examples provided: the Canonist, Goliard and Missionary. the system gives a very nifty means of creating niche characters not exactly provided for in the FH&W rule book. In applying this I'm inspired in part by some of the variant classes in Blood & Treasure and the kits of 2nd edition. So with no further ado, I present several new roles for multi-class characters below:

The Sentinel

The first offering is the Sentinel, a variant on the Mage Combatant. These individuals draw upon the skills of a Fighting-Man (one does feel that this should be renamed "Warrior" or some such) and the Magic-User to create a watchful warrior with considerable magic to enhance their martial capabilities.

Classes Combined: Magic-User + Fighting-Man
Requirements: Strength 9+ and Intelligence 11+
BtH Progression: as per Fighting-Man
Hit Points: half the sum of 1d4 + 1d8 (rounded up)
Saving Throws: +2 to Strength and Constitution saves; and +4 to all saves vs. magic (note that this cannot stack with the STR and CON bonus)
Weapons/Armors: All armors and shields, and six weapon proficiencies of the player's choice. The penalty for non-proficiency is -2. Note that wearing armor creates the following hindrances: casting time is doubled and the percentage chance for failure of the spell (as per the type of armor) is applied.
Abilities: Fighting-Man specialty - Guard: add level to Detection checks; +1 to rolls to avoid surprise. Add level to Arcane Lore checks. Spell-casting as Magic-User. Although the type of magic is most likely White or Gray, Sentinels who wield Black magic are not unheard of: such are usually found as wardens of vile temples and cult safe-houses. 

The Emissary

Here we have the Emissary, a variant on the Versatile CombatantThese warrior-types have a wide range of skills to support them in their role as diplomats in distant and hostile lands.

Classes Combined: Professional + Fighting-Man
Requirements: Strength 9+ and Dexterity 9+
BtH Progression: as per Fighting-Man
Hit Points: half the sum of 1d6 + 1d8 (rounded up)
Saving Throws: +4 to Strength and Constitution saves.
Weapons/Armors: All armors and shields, and six weapon proficiencies of the player's choice. The penalty for non-proficiency is -2. 
Abilities: Fighting-Man specialty - Cavalryman: add level to Riding checks; +1 to hit with melee weapons when mounted. Skills (add level +2 to all checks): Animal Handling, Deception, Detection, Gaining Information, Knowledge - Known World, Linguistics, Persuasion and Survival. 

The Hedge Witch

The Hedge Witch is a variant on the Versatile MageSkilled in the lore of enchantment, demonology and the natural world, he or she can draw on any source of power according to their disposition and allegiance. The Hedge Witch simulates the local or 'rustic' practitioner of magic who serves a small community - or broods on the margins of civilisation, contemplating the ruin of those who have driven him out.

Classes Combined: Professional + Magic-User
Requirements: Intelligence 11+ and Dexterity 9+
BtH Progression: as per Professional
Hit Points: half the sum of 1d4 + 1d6 (rounded up)
Saving Throws: +4 to Intelligence saves and all saves vs. magic (these two bonuses do not stack).
Weapons/Armors: Dagger, staff and leather armor. The penalty for non-proficiency is -4. Note that wearing armor creates the following hindrances: casting time is doubled and the percentage chance for failure of the spell (as per the type of armor) is applied. 
Abilities: Arcane Lore (add level to skill checks), plus spellcasting ability. This may be White, Gray or Black Magic. Skills (add level +2 to all checks): The skills selected vary according to the Hedge Witch's magical source.
Those who practice White Magic select the following skills: Astronomy/Astrology, Healing, Knowledge - Local, Knowledge - Nature, Knowledge - Occult, Linguistics, Persuasion and Survival. 

Gray Magic: Alchemy, Astronomy/Astrology, Healing, Knowledge - Local, Knowledge - Nature, Knowledge - Occult, Persuasion and Survival.

Black Magic: Astronomy/Astrology, Deception, Knowledge - Nature, Knowledge - Occult, Knowledge - Undead, Persuasion, Poisons and Stealth.  

Making More of Talents in RMFRP IV

  Today I'm continuing to examine the notion of 'Talent Packs' in RMFRP as ways of rounding out, deepening or broadening charact...