So, this is the resurrection of a document from four years ago that I thought I'd lost via an accidental deletion (hence the dead link in this post). I've re-examined it, and decided that it remains a good base for house-ruling RM closer to where I want it to be. So here it is: comments welcomed!
Sample Archetypal
Builds for Rolemaster Classic
following is an exploration of the alternative character development method for
Rolemaster Classic (ultimately, I’d like to carry it over to RMU and maybe to other systems that work
well with the basic concept). It is partly based upon character generation
methods in such games as Fantasy Hero,
Talislanta, Pathfinder (1E), Warhammer and Mythras. After level one, character
development proceeds as per normal. Thanks to the various contributors over at
the RolemasterBlog for giving the spark for applying builds to Rolemaster (I’m
probably reinventing the wheel here!)
are two core assumptions: firstly, there is no fundamental need in Rolemaster
for a wide range of professions with their own unique development costs. The
second, partially related to the first is that Rolemaster character generation
takes far too long – even for ‘advanced’ players, and that the use of Builds is
a useful way to mitigate this. Below are the design considerations behind the
Skill Development
to four ranks may be purchased in a single skill as part of an archetypal or
cultural package only. The cost is as
follows: Rank 1 is purchased at the first listed cost. All other ranks are
purchased at the second listed cost
(e.g., 4 ranks in Foraging at 2/6 would cost 20 DP, 2 for the first, 6 each for
the three ranks following). Normal rules apply in the case of skills where the
cost is n/*.
each Build, 20 points are allotted for the purpose of customising development
costs, as follows:
2 points are spent
to halve the cost of the first rank of a skill.
3 points will
halve the cost of the second rank of a skill.
5 points will
halve the cost of a skill where there is only one skill rank (such as Adrenal
Defense, Linguistics, weapon categories, individual Spell Lists, etc.).
8 points will
halve the cost of that skill a second time (e.g. Adrenal Defense with a cost of
15 can be reduced to a cost of 4).
12 points reduces the cost of a
single rank skill to ¼ its original cost and grants a second rank that costs ½
the original cost (e.g. Adrenal Defense would now cost 4/8, or Power Point
Development with a cost of 5 would cost 2/3).
6 points grants a
second rank to a skill that has a single cost, at a cost of 3x the cost of the
first rank (e.g. Channeling has a cost of 3. 6 points would give Channeling a
cost of 3/9).
more than 8 skills can be chosen for
specialisation. The lowest possible cost for a two-rank skill is 1/2. No skill
may have a cost where both ranks cost n.
that the cost of some skills may be increased
in order to provide more points for specialisation. For doubling the cost of a
skill (i.e. 2/6 becomes 4/12), 5 points
may be gained. Up to 3 skills may be
used for this purpose. However, this must be applied to weapon category
costs in order, beginning with the
primary weapon. Note that Linguistics increase by 1 per 5 points spent to
increase their cost (e.g. 2/* becomes 3/* to gain 5 points) and cannot be
increased above 3/*. Armor and Spell Lists double as per normal. With regard to
Armor the cost increases as follows: if Soft Leather is doubled, all Armor costs double. If Rigid Leather
is doubled, Chain and Plate double also (and so on). Weapon and armour skills
for Pure/Hybrid Users cannot be inhibited.
Build has a ‘parent’ for the purposes of development costs, level bonuses, list
access and base Background Option selection. Regardless of specialisations or
focus, this is the actual ‘Profession’ of the character. Thus one can have a
Wood Elf Ranger (Botanist). This character selects the Ranger Profession with
its related skill costs, gaining level bonuses as per Table 09-08 (p. 128, RMC
Character Law), spell list access as a Semi-spell user (see Table 03-01, p.21,
RMC Spell Law) and access to the Ranger, Botanist and Wood Elf Background
character has at least 3 Background Options and must spend at least 2 of these
on Cultural and/or ‘Base Profession’ Options. They also receive 1 Background
Option to spend on talents unique to their Build only (although they may supplement this with unspent options if
they have them).
characters pass certain thresholds, they gain access to ‘Skill Unlocks’, where,
if meeting particular prerequisites, they may select a Skill Unlock. This
occurs at the following levels: 5, 10,
15, 20, 25, 30 and 40. To select
a Skill Unlock costs 1 Background Option. Note that where the
description of a Skill Unlock states that “this ability may be used once per PL
per day”, this indicates that the ability has a number of daily uses equivalent
to the number of Prime Levels (see
below) a character possesses.
Options after Level 1
characters only spend Background Options at level 1. With this rule, characters
gain Background Options as they progress through different levels in order to
buy further talents and skill unlocks at levels 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 40.
Characters gain 1 BGO every time
they reach a Prime Level. Prime
Levels, as the name suggests, are as follows: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23,
29, 31, 37, 41, 43 and 47. Background options gained in this way (but not the
initial options granted by selection of race) may be saved in order to buy more
expensive talents at a later level.
this system, Hobby Skill ranks may purchase any skill (Primary or Secondary),
but, if used to purchase ranks in a Primary skill, are spent on a 3:2 ratio
(e.g. to buy two ranks in Attunement costs 3 Hobby ranks). At least 3 ranks
must be purchased in Secondary skills.
Limits for Starting Characters
may not have more than 10 ranks in
any one skill at first level (including all ranks from cultural and
professional packages, Hobby skills and background options). This does not
apply to languages or ranks used to purchase spell lists.
The Ranger
Level Bonus/Development Costs: Ranger
Spell Lists: Semi-spell user, Ranger Base Lists.
Realm: Channeling
Ranger Background Options (cost is 1 BGO unless specified):
Master Tracker: 5 ranks in Tracking*
Foe: replace one Base List with Guardian
Ways (RMC Companion 1)*
no penalty for off-hand weapon use.
5 ranks in Foraging and Body Development DP cost is halved (racial hits
maximum increases by 50%)* Cost: 2 BGOs
Environment: +20 to Moving Maneuvers, Stalk & Hide, Perception, Foraging,
Tracking, Flora Lore and Fauna Lore in one type of environment (e.g.
Swamp/Mountain/Plains etc.)
Hands: % chance = level + PR bonus of doubling the effect of any healing
herb applied (with the following caveat: the “difficulty of finding” of the
herb must not exceed the Ranger’s ranks
in Herb Lore).
Survivalist: as Survivalist
above, but also gains +25 to RRs vs magic of one realm.* Cost: 3 BGOs
Sleeper, Danger Sense, Look of
Eagles, Outdoorsman, Assassin Training, Portage Skills, Survival Instinct: see
RMC Companion 1
Survivalist: as Enhanced Survivalist above,
but also gains +10 to Perception.* Cost: 4
Ranger: gain access as a Semi-spell user to either Essence or Mentalism.
Cost: 2 BGOs
Evil Ranger: replace one Base List with an Evil Channeling list. Cost: 2 BGOs (may be selected twice, but
second selection costs a further 3
Veteran: as Chosen Environment,
but the Ranger also gains +20 (to be split between DB & OB each round as
desired) and +25 to Initiative (but only in their chosen terrain). Cost: 2 BGOs
+10 to Riding and +15 to Animal Training
5 ranks in Craft (Lumberjack), +15 to Flora Lore, Tracking (in Forests only) and +10 to Battle Axe* Cost: 3 BGOs
Statistic: +15 to one stat bonus* Cost: 2 BGOs (Can be increased to +20/+25 at a cost of 3 or 4 BGOs respectively).
These do not stack.
marked ‘*’ may only be selected at
level 1.
The Primal Ranger
has formed an incredibly close bond with nature, so much so that they manifest
within themselves both the red-clawed cruelty and gentle calm of the wilds –
even, on occasion, at the same time! Primal Rangers approach nature through
meditation, dance and ritual. They gain special mastery over themselves and
their immediate environment through the use of these skills, but can also
descend into the madness and bloodlust of the berserker. In fact, during their
fits of rage, they have even been known to shapeshift – if only partially –
into animal form.
Specialisations: Body Development 2/4, Channeling 3/9, Dance 1/5, Frenzy 1/3,
Meditation 1/4, Perception 2/4, Ritual Lore 2/6, Tracking 1/3.
Inhibited Skills: Rigid Leather 4*/Chain 6*/Plate 8*, Gimmickry 4/10
Skills (ranks): Body Development 2, Channeling 1, Dance 2, Frenzy 3, Meditation 3, Perception
3, Primary Weapon 1, Ritual Lore 1, Tracking 2.
Background Options (cost 1 unless specified):
+15 to Meditation.
Weapons Master*: see RMC Companion I
Companion: gain a Familiar (as per the Gate
Mastery or Familiar Law spell
lists, except penalty if Familiar dies is -50). If Meditating or Channeling in
the presence (within 10’) of the Familiar gain a +10 to skill roll. If casting
a spell within 10’ of the Familiar subtract 10 from any ESF penalties. Cost: 2 BGOs
Channeling: whilst Frenzied, if scoring a critical hit on a foe, you may
make a Channeling roll at -30. On a successful result, you may transmit one
of the following spell effects to your foe: Fear;
Blur Vision; Stunning; Diminution (all
criticals scored by foe against you are reduced in severity by 1 for 1
rnd/5 failure) or Shudder (foe’s
Fumble Range is increased by 1 for 1 rnd/5 failure). All effects require RR vs
your ranks in Channeling, modified by in your favour by your IN bonus and in
your foe’s favour by their PR bonus. Ability may be used a number of times per
day equal to your PP stat bonus (i.e. the amount of PP’s you gain per rank of
Power Point Development). Cost: 2 BGOs
Dance: whilst making a
successful Dance maneuver, you may make a Ritual Lore roll at -15. If
successful, you may select and cast one of the following spell effects: Detect Evil, Detect Curse, Detect Hate (ClChan
list Lores); Guess (Cleric
Base list Communal Ways); Animal
Sight I, Animal Sense I (Seer Base list Sense Through Others); Presence, Detect Illusion (Seer Base
list True Perception). You must dance for 1 minute/level of spell. Cost:
2 BGOs
Fortitude: if you receive a blow that gives a result of ‘Stunned’ whilst
Frenzied, you may offset the penalty for being stunned by the number of ranks you have in Frenzy. In addition,
if you receive an injury that imposes a penalty, you may make a Frenzy roll
(modified by the total of the injury/stun/magical penalties you
currently have, inclusive of penalties already subject to this talent), in
order to ignore that penalty for a number of rounds equal to your SD bonus
(minimum 1). Where an injury impedes mobility or combat capability
significantly (e.g. a broken leg or arm), you may only halve the penalty.
Frenzied Fortitude: as Frenzied Fortitude, but you may, if
targeted by a mental attack (subtype ‘m’) use your ranks in Frenzy as your
level for the purpose of Resistance Rolls whilst Frenzied. Cost: 2BGOs
5 ranks in Ritual Lore*
Dispel: if, during Frenzy, you strike a foe protected by a defensive spell
(such as those appearing on the lists Shield
Mastery or Elemental Shields),
the defensive spell must make an RR (attack level= your ranks in Channeling; defender’s
level: level of spell) or be dispelled immediately. If there two or more spells
in effect, the lowest level spell is targeted.
Spirit: +10 to Stalk & Hide*
Skill Unlocks:
Leap (qualifier: Frenzy 8,
Acrobatics 5): Whilst Frenzied, you may make an Acrobatics roll to jump as if
using the Adrenal Leaping skill (no preparation required).
(qualifier: Meditation 8, Body
Development 5): If you successfully meditate for one hour, you may ignore
penalties due to hunger/thirst/fatigue for up to one hour per rank in Meditation.
At the end of this period, however, all penalties take immediate effect. This
ability can only be used once in a 24 hour period.
Casting (qualifier: Frenzy 10,
Meditation 15): Whilst Frenzied, you may cast instantaneous spells only
with an ESF penalty of 30.
Meditation (qualifier: Meditation 15,
Channeling 15): You may make a
Meditation roll at -20 to regain PPs at the rate of 5/hour of meditation. This
ability can only be used once in a 24 hour period.
Strike (qualifier: Meditation 10,
Channeling 8): if you successfully score a critical strike against a foe, you
may make a Channeling roll at -25. If this roll is successful, your foe must
make an RR vs. Channeling (with your level as the attack level) or suffer one
of the following penalties (your choice): ESF penalty of 20 on all
spell-casting attempts; -20 penalty to OB; -20 penalty to Adrenal Moves; or -20
penalty to Fear-related Resistance Rolls. All effects last 1 round per
5/failure. This ability may be utilised once per PL per day.
Signature: (qualifier: Meditation 15,
Tracking 10): On making a successful Tracking maneuver, you may then make a -30
Meditation skill roll. If this roll succeeds, you become attuned to the
individual (or, if many individuals, one
of them) you are tracking. You gain +20 to all maneuvers to Track this
individual for a number of hours equal to your Memory bonus (minimum of 1).
This ability may be utilised once per PL per day.
Temperament: (qualifier: Meditation 10,
Perception 15): on first acquaintance with a humanoid or appropriate creature
(some Demons, other planar creatures), you may make a Perception roll (adding
your ranks in Meditation as a bonus
and subtracting the level of the target). If you are successful, you are able
to partially read their inner character. This will grant you knowledge of their
outlook (as per Creatures and Treasures), basic emotional tone, and if using an
appropriate system, their alignment. This ability may be utilised once per PL
per day.
Animal (qualifier: Channeling 5,
Fauna Lore 5): Twice per PL per day, you may make a Channeling roll in order to
scare an animal such that it runs away for 1 round/your ranks in Fauna Lore.
The animal’s level multiplied by 5 is subtracted from your Channeling roll.
of Blessing (qualifier: Ritual Lore 13, Dance 5, Meditation 10, Channeling
5): After making a successful Ritual
Lore maneuver and Dancing for 5 minute/level of spell effect, you may make a
Meditation roll at -5 (per level of spell effect) in order to cast a spell from
the Cleric Base List Protections. You
may not cast a spell of a level higher than you have ranks in Channeling, and
the duration of the effect is equivalent to 1 minute/rank in Channeling. This
ability may be utilised once per PL per day.
(qualifier: Ritual Lore 8, Meditation 10, Flora Lore 8): After making a successful Ritual Lore maneuver, you may make a
Meditation roll at -15. If successful, you may – whilst remaining in trance –
mentally ‘communicate’ with any one plant. You are unable to coerce the plant
into dialogue, and the plant is able to lie, deceive, threaten or gossip
according to its aims and level of communication skill. This ability may be
utilised once per PL per day.
Plantspeech (qualifier: Ritual Lore 12, Meditation 15, Flora Lore 10,
Interrogation 8, Seduction 6, must already possess the Plantspeech Skill Unlock): as
Plantspeech, but requires a
successful Ritual Lore maneuver at -30, and a Meditation roll at -25. If
successful you may force the plant to ‘speak’ with you, and compel honest
communication. (This does not preclude the possibility of malign disclosures,
and of attempts by the target plant to intimidate, overawe or confuse you, if
it has the capacity to do so. This ability may be utilised once per day.
Nature’s Mood (qualifier: Meditation 5, Flora Lore 6, Fauna Lore 6,
Perception 4): Upon making a
successful Meditation roll (using your ranks in Flora Lore and Fauna
Lore as a bonus), you may make a Perception roll to discern the
spiritual/emotional ‘tone’ of your immediate environment (e.g. placid,
threatened, joyful, harmonious, angry, etc.). This ability may be utilised once
per PL per day.
Frenzied Casting (qualifier: Frenzy 12,
Meditation 18, Spell-Mastery [in one
specific spell] 6, must already
possess the Frenzied Casting Skill
Unlock): you may select one spell (in
which you have Spell Mastery sufficient to qualify) that you may now cast as if
it were instantaneous with an ESF modifier of 30, whilst Frenzied. You may use
this ability once per day. You may purchase this Skill Unlock multiple times.
Each time you may either (a) nominate a different spell, (b) reduce the ESF
modifier by 10 (not below 0, however) or (c) increase the number of uses per
day by one (to a maximum of 3 daily
(qualifier: Meditation 18, Perception 10): You may make a meditation roll at -30
to send your awareness ‘out of body’ to any location within a 10’ radius/ranks
in Perception. You can only maintain this effect for a number of rounds equal
to your Meditation skill. While you are in this disembodied state you cannot
interact with the world in any way other than to observe, and your body is
completely helpless. All five senses are active as if you were bodily in the
location of your awareness, but you yourself are invisible to any of the five
senses. Certain spells can detect your presence (GM discretion). You may use
this ability once per PL per day.
Assault (qualifier: Frenzy
10, Fauna Lore 18, Channeling 12): Whilst
Frenzied, you may make a Channeling roll (of varying difficulty; see below) in
order to create and wield a spiritual ‘animal’ attack. This temporarily grants
you mystical appendages as required. The difficulty is determined by the attack
style you wish to use, as follows: Small Stinger/Grapple/Bash (-10); Small
Claw/Bite/Trample/Beak (-15); Medium Stinger/Grapple/Bash (-20); Medium
Claw/Bite/Trample/Beak (-25); Large Stinger/Grapple/Bash (-40); Large
Claw/Bite/Trample/Beak (-50). The ability lasts for 1 round/PL, and all attacks
with this weapon are treated as magical for the purpose of determining damage
and criticals. To add poison to any Stinger attacks, the penalty is doubled,
and the severity of any poison is limited to Moderate. This ability may be utilised once per PL per
All RM material quoted here is copyright; 2002-2017 by Iron Crown
Enterprises Ltd. All rights reserved. No reproductions without permission.
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