Thursday, 26 August 2021

A List of Things Left Undone: The Chaplain Petty-Class for the OSR

Looking back over the posts in this blog, it occurs to me that I've started many things but meandered off track on a fairly regular basis: this blog is a list of things left undone, so I've decided to pick up a few threads left dangling and just beaver away at them, without any particular urgency. For reference, this post makes a bit more sense if you check out this post.


As an adventuring concept, the Chaplain doesn't immediately appeal - they are next to useless in combat - and at their best on their home ground, but they do have some transferrable skills, including social skills, some useful lore, minor magic and a limited degree of entrĂ©e to society. 

Attack Table: 0-level Human
Hit Dice: d4
Saving Throw: Level 1-3 (all 20, except Spells 19, Death 18); Level 4-5 (all 19, except Spells 17, Death 16); Level 6 (all 18, except Spells 16, Death 15).
Armour/Shield Permitted: none
Weapons Permitted: club, staff, sling
Weapon Proficiencies: 
Non-Proficiency Penalty: -5
Base Skills: Common Knowledge 3, Etiquette 1, Local Knowledge 3, Numeracy 1, Persuade 1, Read/Write 1, Theology 2.
Free Elective Skills (choose 3 skills amongst which you may distribute 5 Competency Levels, with no more than 2 levels in any one skill): Arcane Knowledge (1), Astronomy, Cure Disease (1), Diplomacy, Encourage, Folk Lore, Gossip, Heal, Heraldry, History, Insight, Law Speak (1), Public Speaking, Rune Lore (1), Scholarship, Scroll Lore (1), Sense Motive, Storytelling, Wit.  

Chaplain Level Advancement
Base Experience
Hit Dice
Points Required
Ceremonial Magic, Congregation
Local Influence
Spiritual Director
Congregation (Greater)
Excellent Living, Liberation Theology, Mendicant

Ceremonial Magic: The Chaplain gains very minor magical abilities: they may cast various versions of the Ceremony spell as per the following table:

The Chaplain must be at the required level and spend the amount of time indicated on the table performing the appropriate combination of uninterrupted prayer, contemplation, fasting, ritual and whatnot in order to cast a Ceremony spell. Only two '1st-level' Ceremonies may be performed on any single day, whilst only one of the higher level versions may be performed per day (which precludes the casting of any low-level Ceremony on that day). The preparation must be completed no more than 12 hours before the performance of the Ceremony, and no other preparation or Ceremony can be undertaken during that period. Prayers (see below) may be made during this interim period, but require the Chaplain to roll equal to or under their WIS score, using 2d6 plus one dice per level of the Ceremony in order to maintain the necessary state of mind and balance of soul to perform the ceremony (e.g., Sennerak the Chaplain has a WIS score of 10, and has recently finished preparing to use the Bless Newborn version of Ceremony. They are urgently required to use their Prayer ability to heal an injured labourer, and does so successfully, but now must roll 10 or less using 5d6 to retain the benefits of their preparation).

Congregation: A Chaplain begins their career as an associate priest to a congregation - this may be in a comfy rural parish, a dangerous ministry in the impoverished slums of a city, a sinecure with a noble house or ministering to a few faithful in an infidel land. This congregation  has a limit of individuals equal to the Chaplain's CHA score multiplied by their level - although the actual congregation may have many more members than this number, the Chaplain's influence is always limited.
When interacting with their congregation, the Chaplain is treated as if having a Competency Level one level higher in the following skills: Encourage, Etiquette, Gossip, Inspire, Persuade and Public Speaking.  At fifth level, this bonus increases to two Competency levels, and, when using the Cure Light Wounds prayer on a member of their congregation, the Chaplain may reroll any roll of 1 when determining the amount of damage healed.

Prayer: Chaplains may, from 2nd level, pray once per day for the ability to cast one spell from the following list: Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Evil, Light, Portent or Protection from Evil. In order to successfully pray, the Chaplain must roll equal to or under their WIS score, using 3d6. At 4th level, the Chaplain adds Magical Vestment, Penetrate Disguise and Remove Fear to the list above, and at level 6, Aid, Chant and Know Alignment are added to the list of options.

Local Influence: The Chaplain gains a limited amount of influence in their local area. They gain a pool of points equivalent to their level that they may use to add temporary Competency levels (no more than two at one time) to the following skills: Bluff, Encourage, Etiquette, Gossip, Haggle, Heraldry, Inspire, Local Knowledge, Persuade and Public Speaking. The GM is the arbiter of what constitutes "local" in this sense, but it should not be an area larger than 2 square miles multiplied by the Chaplain's level, centred on the place of worship that is home to their congregation.

Spiritual Director: The Chaplain has a percentage chance each level (beginning at 3rd), of obtaining the role of spiritual director to an important local figure. The chance is equivalent to 50% modified by the Chaplain's Reaction Adjustment. This value increases by 10% per level above 3rd. A check is made upon obtaining a new level, regardless of the success or failure of previous attempts. The GM handles the details with regard to this local luminary, but the level of this NPC is restricted to the Chaplain's level plus a maximum number of levels equivalent to the Chaplain's maximum number of henchmen. The role may grant access to information or even material help, but is equally likely to be abused by the important individual.

Comfortable Living/Liberation Theology/Mendicant/Monastic: at 6th level, the Chaplain chooses their future 'post': do they take up the offer of ministering to a pleasant, prosperous parish where they hobnob with the local gentry and are insulated from 'real world' problems? Or do they take up the cause of the poor and disenfranchised, wander the world as a mendicant friar or enter a monastery to live a life of contemplation? The Chaplain must choose one of the four options noted below:
        Comfortable Living: the Chaplain secures a permanent posting in a bucolic setting, where they - in general - work to maintain the status quo and pander to the aristocracy. They gain access to the spells Invisible Servant and Enthrall. These spells are added to the list of Prayers (see above) available to the Chaplain. The Chaplain also gains a small but pleasant dwelling, a steady income (GM will handle the details, but the living provided should grant an income similar to that of a 'lower-middle class' individual in the setting). Finally, the Chaplain's Congregation and Local Influence abilities are presumed to extend to the limits of their parish .
        Liberation Theology: the Chaplain is driven by the plight of the poor to take up an urban ministry (or a rural ministry where poverty is particularly harsh), where they work hard to create change and aid the masses. They often find themselves at odds with local authority as they try to mitigate the inherent harshness of the political and economic environment. They have a small chamber in their local temple and receive a similar income to that of an 'upper-lower class' individual. They may add the spells Create Food & Water and Cure Disease to their Prayers. Their Congregation and Local Influence abilities apply to their entire parish, but do not apply to interactions with individuals above 'upper-lower class'. They also gain a reputation as a 'troublemaker' in all neighbouring parishes (the GM determines the effects of this).
        Mendicant: perhaps stifled by the constraints of organised religion, inspired by a mystical vision or disgusted by their role as a 'sacred gendarmerie', the Chaplain leaves their temple to wander as a mendicant friar, helping those who need it, regardless of station, teaching their doctrine (often in a rather unorthodox manner with regard to content and presentation) and living off alms. They add the spells Endure Cold/Endure Heat and Goodberry to their list of prayers and gain 12 Competency Levels to distribute between the following skills: Cure Disease, Fish, Folk Lore, Heal, Storytelling, Weather Sense and Wilderness Lore. They also gain a +25% bonus to Reaction Rolls with any followers of their faith (save for ordained priests). They do, however, lose all benefits of the Congregation and Local Influence abilities, and have only such money as they can beg or receive as gifts from pious individuals.
        Monastic: Parish life is not enough for this Chaplain - in fact, it actively works against the proper practice of devotion. These folk decide to withdraw from the secular world and enter a monastery, where they may live a life of contemplation, prayer, ritual and labour. Monastic Chaplains add the spells Sanctuary and Silence 15' radius to their list of Prayers. They lose all benefits of the Congregation and Local Influence abilities, but now roll only 2d6 when praying for a spell and may pray without losing the benefit any prepared Ceremonies. They also gain 4 Competency Levels in the Indomitable Will skill.

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